
组件:- Tx/Rx = A-434 Dec/Enc= HT12E/HT12D IC 发射器上的 4 个按钮和接收器上的 4 个 LED

工作: - 很简单。在发射器侧:四个按钮连接到编码器。编码器连接到发射器。在接收端:四个 LED 连接到解码器。解码器连接到接收器。当按下发射器侧的按钮时,接收器上相应的 LED 会亮起。令人惊讶的是它完美无缺。

问题:- 我只是想删除这四个手动输入按钮并用 Linux 中的 C 程序替换它。如何利用 USB 接口控制发送器电路的输入?


2 回答 2


You could look into how homebrewed IR receivers/senders work as they're somewhat similar to what you want. Some of them are:

If you are really not into microcontrollers and you barely know how to program C and connect to a USB device, the Velleman K8055 may be an option. This may be a bit overkill but it's good for learning basic IO stuff. You basically plug it into the USB port and use it as a digital switch board which you can program in C. The last time I checked, libk8055 worked pretty good.

于 2013-02-23T19:26:02.877 回答

要么使用便宜的微控制器板,例如便宜的 arduino 克隆。或者使用 USB 到并口转换器。

于 2013-02-23T19:20:08.940 回答