I want to add h323:number style links to HighRise contact numbers, so that users can click a link to dial the IP phone...

The html I'm looking at is:

      <td>+44 (0)1123 1231312<span>Work</span></td>
    <td>+44 (0)777 2342342<span>Other</span></td>

and basically I want to pull out the number which is in a td and which starts with +44, strip out the spaces and stick in a link inside the span that has an href like


i.e. is stripping out the 0 in brackets.

Any help would be greatfully received to any of the following.

(1) How do I match the td containing +\d\d numbers? (2) How do I use selectors to exclude the span when I get the number from the td (3) What regex should I use to cleanup the number for the href?


2 回答 2



$('tbody td').each(function() {
    // match a sequence of digits, parentheses and spaces
    var matches = $(this).text().match(/[ \d()]+/);

    if (matches) {
        // remove the spaces and stuff between parentheses
        var href = 'h323:' + matches[0].replace(/\s|\(.*?\)/g, '');
        var link = $('<a/>').attr('href', href);

        $('span', this).append(link);

不过需要注意的是,如果 aspan的内容以数字开头,它将被包含在匹配中;这是需要考虑的可能性吗?

于 2009-10-01T14:24:48.383 回答

这是最终的 GreaseMonkey 脚本 - 可能对某人有用......

// ==UserScript==
// @name          HighRise Dialler
// @namespace     
// @description   Adds a CALL link to HighRise Contacts.
// @include       https://*.highrisehq.com/*
// @require       http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js
// ==/UserScript==


   method: "GET",
   url: "http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.2.6.pack.js",
   onload: run

function run(details) {

   if (details.status != 200) {
       GM_log("no jQuery found!");

   var $ = jQuery;

   //do something useful here....

   $('table td').each(function() {
       var matches = $(this).text().match(/^\+*?[\d\(\) ]+/);

       if (matches) {
         var href = 'h323:' + matches[0].replace(/\+44|\+|\s|\(|\)/g, '');
         var link = $(' <a>CALL<a/>').attr('href', href);


于 2009-10-06T12:15:24.803 回答