- 明确选择它!这并不难。
当您需要单行时 - 使用一种方法来获取单行。当您需要很多行时 - 使用一种方法来获取很多行。
当你在 2 个月后回到你的代码时,你会完全不知道,你期望什么。所以 -总是明确地写出来。
这是我的mysqli 包装类的摘录,可以给你一个想法:
public function query()
return $this->rawQuery($this->prepareQuery(func_get_args()));
* Helper function to get scalar value right out of query and optional arguments
* Examples:
* $name = $db->getOne("SELECT name FROM table WHERE id=1");
* $name = $db->getOne("SELECT name FROM table WHERE id=?i", $id);
* @param string $query - an SQL query with placeholders
* @param mixed $arg,... unlimited number of arguments to match placeholders in the query
* @return string|FALSE either first column of the first row of resultset or FALSE if none found
public function getOne()
$query = $this->prepareQuery(func_get_args());
if ($res = $this->rawQuery($query))
$row = $this->fetch($res);
if (is_array($row)) {
return reset($row);
return FALSE;
* Helper function to get single row right out of query and optional arguments
* Examples:
* $data = $db->getRow("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=1");
* $data = $db->getOne("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=?i", $id);
* @param string $query - an SQL query with placeholders
* @param mixed $arg,... unlimited number of arguments to match placeholders in the query
* @return array|FALSE either associative array contains first row of resultset or FALSE if none found
public function getRow()
$query = $this->prepareQuery(func_get_args());
if ($res = $this->rawQuery($query)) {
$ret = $this->fetch($res);
return $ret;
return FALSE;
* Helper function to get single column right out of query and optional arguments
* Examples:
* $ids = $db->getCol("SELECT id FROM table WHERE cat=1");
* $ids = $db->getCol("SELECT id FROM tags WHERE tagname = ?s", $tag);
* @param string $query - an SQL query with placeholders
* @param mixed $arg,... unlimited number of arguments to match placeholders in the query
* @return array|FALSE either enumerated array of first fields of all rows of resultset or FALSE if none found
public function getCol()
$ret = array();
$query = $this->prepareQuery(func_get_args());
if ( $res = $this->rawQuery($query) )
while($row = $this->fetch($res))
$ret[] = reset($row);
return $ret;
* Helper function to get all the rows of resultset right out of query and optional arguments
* Examples:
* $data = $db->getAll("SELECT * FROM table");
* $data = $db->getAll("SELECT * FROM table LIMIT ?i,?i", $start, $rows);
* @param string $query - an SQL query with placeholders
* @param mixed $arg,... unlimited number of arguments to match placeholders in the query
* @return array enumerated 2d array contains the resultset. Empty if no rows found.
public function getAll()
$ret = array();
$query = $this->prepareQuery(func_get_args());
if ( $res = $this->rawQuery($query) )
while($row = $this->fetch($res))
$ret[] = $row;
return $ret;
看 - 从函数名称中您总能判断出预期的结果:
$name = $db->getOne('SELECT name FROM table WHERE id = ?i',$_GET['id']);
$data = $db->getAll("SELECT * FROM ?n WHERE mod=?s LIMIT ?i",$table,$mod,$limit);