
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!numbers}" var="n" align="center">
    <apex:column >
        <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!n.checked}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!n.cat.Id}" />
    <apex:column value="{!n.cat.Name}" />
    <apex:facet name="footer">Showing Page # {!pageNumber} of {!totalPages}</apex:facet>

我有一个 OpportunityWrapper 类来维护 checkItem:

public class OpportunityWrapper {
    public Boolean checked { get; set; }
    public Opportunity cat { get; set; }

    public OpportunityWrapper(){
        cat = new Opportunity();
        checked = false;

    public OpportunityWrapper(Opportunity c){
        cat = c;
        checked = false;

    public OpportunityWrapper(Opportunity c, Boolean checked){
        cat = c;
        this.checked = checked ;

在自定义控制器中获取 OpportunityWrapper 列表的代码段是

public List<OpportunityWrapper> getNumbers() {
    opp = new List<OpportunityWrapper>();
    if ( selectedPage != '0' )
        counter = list_size*integer.valueOf(selectedPage)-list_size;

    //we have to catch query exceptions in case the list is greater than 2000 rows
    try {
        for ( Opportunity o : [SELECT Id,Name from Opportunity order by name 
               limit :list_size offset :counter] ) {
            if ( !oppId.contains(o.Id) ) 
                opp.add(new OpportunityWrapper(o));
                opp.add(new OpportunityWrapper(o,true));               
    } catch ( QueryException e ) {
        return null;
    return opp;


public PageReference Previous() {
    //user clicked previous button
    for ( OpportunityWrapper o : opp ) { 
        if ( o.checked &&  oppId.contains(o.cat.Id) )
    selectedPage = '0';
    counter -= list_size;
    return null ;


private integer counter = 0;  //keeps track of the offset
private integer list_size = 5;
public integer total_size; 
List<OpportunityWrapper> opp ;
public List<OpportunityWrapper> oppwrapper = new List<OpportunityWrapper>(); //list of Opportunity wrapper shown in the page
public  Set<String> oppId = new Set<String>(); //set for maintaining which Id's are checked

我的目标是当我检查任何机会包装器并转到下一个或上一个列表时,当返回该项目时应该检查但我得到的设置值始终为空但我将选择值列表存储在 Previous() 方法的集合中为什么它的显示设置总是空的??


1 回答 1


您可以在以下主题中找到 2 种解决方案(一种使用 JS 实现,另一种使用 apex 控制器实现):

如何找出在 VisualForce 的下一页上选择了哪些复选框?

于 2013-02-23T18:14:09.930 回答