我有一个带有 K2 组件的 Joomla 站点。而且我的“问题”看起来很糟糕。请看图片:
/* --- Item groups --- */
div.itemList {}
div#itemListLeading {}
div#itemListPrimary {}
div#itemListSecondary {}
div#itemListLinks {background:#f7fafe;border:1px solid #ddd;margin:8px 0;padding:8px;}
div.itemContainer {float:left;}
div.itemContainerLast {} /* this class is appended to the last container on each row of items (useful when you want to set 0 padding/margin to the last container) */
/* --- Item block for each item group --- */
div.catItemView {padding:4px;} /* this is the item container for this view - we add a generic padding so that items don't get stuck with each other */
/* Additional class appended to the element above for further styling per group item */
div.groupLeading {}
div.groupPrimary {}
div.groupSecondary {}
div.groupLinks {padding:0;margin:0;}
div.catItemIsFeatured {background:#ddd;border:1px dotted; padding:3px;margin:1px;} /* Attach a class for each featured item */