我有一个 GAE 应用程序 (Java),我必须从外部文件填充我的数据存储。使用 localhost 它工作正常。问题是在部署它时我总是得到






1 回答 1


We need to understand what you are executing to populate the datastore from the local file. Here are some points:

  1. Assuming that you have uploaded the file in WEB-INF folder with name test.data, your file path should be `WEB-INF/test.data'
  2. Are you running the code to load data via some url e.g. http://yorappid.appspot.com/loaddata or something like that? If yes, chances are that your code is taking much longer to process than the 60 seconds hard limit that AppEngine places on completing HTTP Requests. So that could be the problem where you request is not getting complete.
  3. I suggest that if point 2 above is the case, please move your code to a Cron Job. They have a limit of 10 minutes and it might sufficient to load up your data. I am not sure about the amount of data that you plan to load but 10 minutes would be more than enough to load up a sufficiently large amount of data.

Hope this helps.

于 2013-02-24T12:10:51.563 回答