
class Node
public :
    Node* father;
    Node** sons;
    int countSons;

    __device__ __host__ Node(Node* father)
        this->father = father;
        sons = NULL;

__global__ void GenerateSons(Node** fathers, int countFathers*, Node** sons, int* countSons)
    int Thread_Index = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x) + threadIdx.x;

    if(Thread_Index < *(countFathers))
        Node* Thread_Father = fathers[Thread_Index];
        Node** Thread_Sons;
        int Thread_countSons;
        //Now we are creating new sons for our Thread_Father
        * Generating Thread_Sons for Thread_Father;
        Thread_Father->sons = Thread_Sons; 
        Thread_Father->countSons = Thread_countSons;

        //Wait for others
            /*I added here __syncthreads because I want to count all generated sons
             by threads
            *(countSons) += Thread_countSons;

        //Get all generated sons from whole Block and copy to sons

        if(threadIdx.x == 0)
            sons = new Node*[*(countSons)];
        /*I added here __syncthreads because I want to allocated array for sons

        int Thread_Offset;
        * Get correct offset for actual thread
        for(int i = 0; i < Thread_countSons; i++)
            sons[Thread_Offset + i] = Thread_Sons[i];

void main ()
    Node* root = new Node();
    //transfer root to kernel by cudaMalloc and cudaMemcpy
    Node* root_d = root->transfer();

    Node** fathers_d;
    * preapre array with father root and copy him to kernel

    int* countFathers, countSons;
    * preapre pointer of int for kernel and for countFathers set value 1

    for(int i = 0; i < LevelTree; i++)
        Node** sons = NULL;
        int threadsPerBlock = 256; 
        int blocksPerGrid = (*(countFathers)/*get count of fathers*/  + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
        GenerateSons<<<blocksPerGrid , threadsPerBlock >>>(fathers_d, countFathers, sons, countSons);
        //Wait for end of kernel call

        fathers_d = sons;
        countFathers = countSons;

因此,它适用于 5 级(为检查器生成决策树),但在 6 级我有错误。在内核代码的某个地方,malloc 正在返回NULL,对我来说,这是一个信息,即 blockThreads 中的某些线程无法分配更多内存。我很确定我正在清理所有我不需要的对象,在调用内核的每一端。我想,我无法理解 CUDA 中使用内存的一些事实。如果我在线程的本地内存中创建对象并且内核结束了他的活动,那么在内核的第二次启动时,我可以看到内核第一次调用的节点是。所以我的问题是对象在哪里Node从第一次调用内核开始存储?它们是否存储在块中线程的本地内存中?因此,如果这是真的,那么在每次调用我的内核函数时,我会减少该线程的本地内存空间吗?

我正在使用带有计算能力 2.1、CUDA SDK 5.0、带有 NSight 3.0 的 Visual Studio 2010 Premium 的 GT 555m


1 回答 1




默认情况下,CUDA 创建一个 8MB 的堆。

CUDA 应用程序设计和开发,第 128 页

因此,我使用这种方法cudaDeviceSetLimit(cudaLimitMallocHeapSize, 128*1024*1024);将设备上的堆内存增加到 128Mb,并且程序正确生成了 6 级树(22110 个儿子),但实际上我得到了一些内存泄漏......我需要找到它。

于 2013-02-24T17:38:40.163 回答