


2 回答 2


尝试这个 :

    MethodInfo[] methodInfos = typeof(Math).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
    foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methodInfos)


    private static void Main()
        MethodInfo[] methodInfos = typeof(Math).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
        foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methodInfos)
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} with following parameters", methodInfo.Name));
            ParameterInfo[] parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters();
            foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in parameters)
                Console.WriteLine("Name : {0}, Type : {1}", parameter.Name, parameter.ParameterType.FullName);


输出 :

Acos with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Asin with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Atan with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Atan2 with following parameters
Name : y, Type : System.Double
Name : x, Type : System.Double

Ceiling with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Decimal

Ceiling with following parameters
Name : a, Type : System.Double

Cos with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Cosh with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Double

Floor with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Decimal

Floor with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Sin with following parameters
Name : a, Type : System.Double

Tan with following parameters
Name : a, Type : System.Double

Sinh with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Double

Tanh with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Double

Round with following parameters
Name : a, Type : System.Double

Round with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Double
Name : digits, Type : System.Int32

Round with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Double
Name : mode, Type : System.MidpointRounding

Round with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Double
Name : digits, Type : System.Int32
Name : mode, Type : System.MidpointRounding

Round with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Decimal

Round with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Decimal
Name : decimals, Type : System.Int32

Round with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Decimal
Name : mode, Type : System.MidpointRounding

Round with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Decimal
Name : decimals, Type : System.Int32
Name : mode, Type : System.MidpointRounding

Truncate with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Decimal

Truncate with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Sqrt with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Log with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Log10 with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Exp with following parameters
Name : d, Type : System.Double

Pow with following parameters
Name : x, Type : System.Double
Name : y, Type : System.Double

IEEERemainder with following parameters
Name : x, Type : System.Double
Name : y, Type : System.Double

Abs with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.SByte

Abs with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Int16

Abs with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Int32

Abs with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Int64

Abs with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Single

Abs with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Double

Abs with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Decimal

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.SByte
Name : val2, Type : System.SByte

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Byte
Name : val2, Type : System.Byte

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Int16
Name : val2, Type : System.Int16

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.UInt16
Name : val2, Type : System.UInt16

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Int32
Name : val2, Type : System.Int32

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.UInt32
Name : val2, Type : System.UInt32

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Int64
Name : val2, Type : System.Int64

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.UInt64
Name : val2, Type : System.UInt64

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Single
Name : val2, Type : System.Single

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Double
Name : val2, Type : System.Double

Max with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Decimal
Name : val2, Type : System.Decimal

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.SByte
Name : val2, Type : System.SByte

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Byte
Name : val2, Type : System.Byte

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Int16
Name : val2, Type : System.Int16

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.UInt16
Name : val2, Type : System.UInt16

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Int32
Name : val2, Type : System.Int32

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.UInt32
Name : val2, Type : System.UInt32

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Int64
Name : val2, Type : System.Int64

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.UInt64
Name : val2, Type : System.UInt64

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Single
Name : val2, Type : System.Single

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Double
Name : val2, Type : System.Double

Min with following parameters
Name : val1, Type : System.Decimal
Name : val2, Type : System.Decimal

Log with following parameters
Name : a, Type : System.Double
Name : newBase, Type : System.Double

Sign with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.SByte

Sign with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Int16

Sign with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Int32

Sign with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Int64

Sign with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Single

Sign with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Double

Sign with following parameters
Name : value, Type : System.Decimal

BigMul with following parameters
Name : a, Type : System.Int32
Name : b, Type : System.Int32

DivRem with following parameters
Name : a, Type : System.Int32
Name : b, Type : System.Int32
Name : result, Type : System.Int32&

DivRem with following parameters
Name : a, Type : System.Int64
Name : b, Type : System.Int64
Name : result, Type : System.Int64&

于 2013-02-23T06:46:01.437 回答


var list = typeof(Math).GetMembers().Select(c => c.Name).Distinct().ToList();
于 2013-02-23T07:08:22.367 回答