我有一个用 C# 编写的简单文件服务器\客户端应用程序。但我经常遇到我的流将两个不同的读取写入单个缓冲区的问题。我有一个同步的流,仍然没有帮助。有什么建议么?谢谢!

receive_fspos = new byte[30];
int bytesread = stream_1.Read(receive_fspos, 0, receive_fspos.Length);//this is where it gets combined
if (bytesread == 0) 
    finished = true; 
string string_1 = utf.GetString(receive_fspos).TrimEnd(new char[] { (char)0 });
int fsposition = (int)Convert.ToInt64(string_1);
bytestosend = fsposition;
filestream.Position = fsposition;
byte[] buffer_1 = new byte[bufsize];
int bytesreadfromfs = filestream.Read(buffer_1, 0, buffer_1.Length);
stream_1.Write(buffer_1, 0, buffer_1.Length);
Console.Write("\rSent " + fsposition + " / " + length + " bytes");
finished = true;

2 回答 2




在下面的代码中,您声明要读取流的“receive_fspos.Length”字节。由于“receive_fspos.Length”为 30,因此将读取的字节数将介于 0 到 30 之间。

如果连接只接收到 15 个字节。它会给你15个字节。如果消息是 20 字节长。然后消息现在被分成不同的段。

如果第一个消息是 4 个字节,第二个消息是 12 个字节。现在您有 2 条消息和一组 16 个空白字节。更糟糕的是,这 16 个“空白”字节可能是进入流的第三条消息的开始。

如果消息是 50 字节长。那么您将只收到一半的消息。现在您需要将读取的字节添加到单独的缓冲区中。再次从流中读取。然后重复此操作,直到您确定已读取完成整个消息所需的确切字节数。然后将所有读取的字节连接回单个字节[]。

     receive_fspos = new byte[30];
     int bytesread = stream_1.Read(receive_fspos, 0, receive_fspos.Length);//this is where it gets combined

请使用 BCL 方法,而不是滚动您自己的循环。听起来您正在使用字符串,所以这将是首选方法。我建议以下方法。

using(NetworkStream networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream())
using(StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(networkStream))
using(StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(networkStream))
     networkStream.ReadTimeout = timeout; //Set a timeout to stop the stream from reading indefinately           

     //To receive a string
     string incomingString = stream.ReadLine();

     //To send a string

您的回答澄清了您正在尝试发送文件。为此,我建议发送一个字节数组 []。使用此方法,您可以发送任何可以序列化的内容。这包括一个文件。请注意,文件的大小是有限的,因为它必须保存在内存中。要写入更大的文件,您可能希望在数据流式传输时将数据保存在块中。

//Please note that if the file size is large enough. It may be preferred to use a stream instead of holding the entire file in memory.
byte[] fileAsBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);

using(NetworkStream networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream())
using(BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(networkStream))
using(BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(networkStream))
     networkStream.ReadTimeout = timeout; //Set a timeout to stop the stream from reading indefinately           

     //To receive a byte array
     int incomingBytesLength = BinaryReader.ReadInt32(); //The header is 4 bytes that lets us know how large the incoming byte[] is.
     byte[] incomingBytes = BinaryReader.ReadBytes(incomingBytesLength);

     //To send a byte array
     BinaryWriter.Write(fileAsBytes.Length); //Send a header of 4 bytes that lets the listener know how large the incoming byte[] is.
于 2013-02-23T05:46:35.580 回答

让它工作,代码> 30000个字符:\它有点乱,但是嘿,它的功能。

服务器:https ://www.dropbox.com/s/2wyccxpjbja10z3/Program.cs?m

客户端:https ://www.dropbox.com/s/yp78nx4ubacsz6f/Program.cs?m

于 2013-03-02T04:01:37.763 回答