我正在尝试使用 AppleScript 单击选择框中的项目。


当用鼠标手动单击“更多...”项目时,会打开一个标准的 OSX 文件选择器对话框,但是当我尝试使用 AppleScript 执行此操作时,“更多...”项目显示为所选项目框,但没有显示对话框。

到目前为止我已经尝试过......(元素名称来自 Automator 记录器)

tell application "System Events"

    click static text 1 of window 1 of application process "DYMO Word Addin"
    -- combo box arrow
    click UI Element 1 of combo box 2 of group 1 of window 1 of application process "DYMO Word Addin"

    set labelsList to (list 1 of scroll area 1 of combo box 2 of group 1 of window 1 of application process "DYMO Word Addin")
    set numLabelsInList to (count text fields of labelsList)
    set theTextField to (text field numLabelsInList of labelsList)

    if numLabelsInList > 1 then

            repeat with z from 1 to (numLabelsInList - 1)
                    key code 125 -- down arrow
            end repeat

    end if

    -- stuff I've tried

    click theTextField
    keystroke return
    key code 36 -- return
    set focused of theTextField to true
    set value of attribute "AXFocused" of theTextField to true
    perform action "AXConfirm" of theTextField

end tell



2 回答 2






该答案建议将 cliclick作为另一种移动和单击鼠标的方式,这很有效。


click static text 1 of window 1 of application process "DYMO Word Addin"
set labelsComboBox to (combo box 2 of group 1 of window 1 of application process "DYMO Word Addin")

tell labelsComboBox
        set {xPosition, yPosition} to position of labelsComboBox
        set {xSize, ySize} to size
end tell

set {realXPosition, realYPosition} to {(xPosition + (xSize div 2)) as string, (yPosition + (ySize div 2)) as string}

do shell script "/usr/local/bin/cliclick m:" & realXPosition & "," & realYPosition & " dc:" & realXPosition & "," & realYPosition

-- combo box arrow
click UI element 1 of labelsComboBox

于 2013-02-23T23:16:52.473 回答

在这里你可以找到有类似问题的人,答案也是 cliclick


于 2014-03-24T02:14:02.260 回答