我为我的 Joomla 2.5.9 安装直接克隆了 User Profile 插件。
我已将插件和文件相应地重命名为“profiletest”,类似于旧的 1.6教程。
这里有很多代码,但它是用户配置文件插件 (/plugins/user/profile/) 的副本。这是 profiletest.php 的 onUserAfterSave 函数:
function onUserAfterSave($data, $isNew, $result, $error)
$userId = JArrayHelper::getValue($data, 'id', 0, 'int');
if ($userId && $result && isset($data['profiletest']) && (count($data['profiletest'])))
//Sanitize the date
if (!empty($data['profiletest']['dob']))
$date = new JDate($data['profiletest']['dob']);
$data['profiletest']['dob'] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
'DELETE FROM #__user_profiles WHERE user_id = '.$userId .
" AND profile_key LIKE 'profiletest.%'"
if (!$db->query())
throw new Exception($db->getErrorMsg());
$tuples = array();
$order = 1;
foreach ($data['profiletest'] as $k => $v)
$tuples[] = '('.$userId.', '.$db->quote('profiletest.'.$k).', '.$db->quote(json_encode($v)).', '.$order++.')';
$db->setQuery('INSERT INTO #__user_profiles VALUES '.implode(', ', $tuples));
if (!$db->query())
throw new Exception($db->getErrorMsg());
catch (JException $e)
return false;
return true;
它从不向数据库中插入任何东西,因为它从不进入这个 if 语句:
if ($userId && $result && isset($data['profiletest']) && (count($data['profiletest'])))
function onContentPrepareData($context, $data)
// Check we are manipulating a valid form.
if (!in_array($context, array('com_users.profile', 'com_users.user', 'com_users.registration', 'com_admin.profile')))
return true;
if (is_object($data))
$userId = isset($data->id) ? $data->id : 0;
JLog::add('Do I get into onContentPrepareData?');
if (!isset($data->profiletest) and $userId > 0)
// Load the profile data from the database.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
'SELECT profile_key, profile_value FROM #__user_profiles' .
' WHERE user_id = '.(int) $userId." AND profile_key LIKE 'profiletest.%'" .
' ORDER BY ordering'
$results = $db->loadRowList();
JLog::add('Do I get sql result: '.$results);
// Check for a database error.
if ($db->getErrorNum())
return false;
// Merge the profile data.
$data->profiletest= array();
foreach ($results as $v)
$k = str_replace('profiletest.', '', $v[0]);
$data->profiletest[$k] = json_decode($v[1], true);
if ($data->profiletest[$k] === null)
$data->profiletest[$k] = $v[1];
if (!JHtml::isRegistered('users.url'))
JHtml::register('users.url', array(__CLASS__, 'url'));
if (!JHtml::isRegistered('users.calendar'))
JHtml::register('users.calendar', array(__CLASS__, 'calendar'));
if (!JHtml::isRegistered('users.tos'))
JHtml::register('users.tos', array(__CLASS__, 'tos'));
return true;
if (!isset($data->profiletest) and $userId > 0)
function onContentPrepareForm($form, $data)
if (!($form instanceof JForm))
return false;
// Check we are manipulating a valid form.
$name = $form->getName();
if (!in_array($name, array('com_admin.profile', 'com_users.user', 'com_users.profile', 'com_users.registration')))
return true;
// Add the registration fields to the form.
JForm::addFormPath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/profiles');
$form->loadFile('profile', false);
$fields = array(
$tosarticle = $this->params->get('register_tos_article');
$tosenabled = $this->params->get('register-require_tos', 0);
// We need to be in the registration form, field needs to be enabled and we need an article ID
if ($name != 'com_users.registration' || !$tosenabled || !$tosarticle)
// We only want the TOS in the registration form
$form->removeField('tos', 'profiletest');
// Push the TOS article ID into the TOS field.
$form->setFieldAttribute('tos', 'article', $tosarticle, 'profiletest');
foreach ($fields as $field)
// Case using the users manager in admin
if ($name == 'com_users.user')
// Remove the field if it is disabled in registration and profile
if ($this->params->get('register-require_' . $field, 1) == 0
&& $this->params->get('profile-require_' . $field, 1) == 0)
$form->removeField($field, 'profiletest');
// Case registration
elseif ($name == 'com_users.registration')
// Toggle whether the field is required.
if ($this->params->get('register-require_' . $field, 1) > 0)
$form->setFieldAttribute($field, 'required', ($this->params->get('register-require_' . $field) == 2) ? 'required' : '', 'profiletest');
$form->removeField($field, 'profiletest');
// Case profile in site or admin
elseif ($name == 'com_users.profile' || $name == 'com_admin.profile')
// Toggle whether the field is required.
if ($this->params->get('profile-require_' . $field, 1) > 0)
$form->setFieldAttribute($field, 'required', ($this->params->get('profile-require_' . $field) == 2) ? 'required' : '', 'profiletest');
$form->removeField($field, 'profiletest');
return true;
编辑 var_dump($data); exit();
array(20) { ["isRoot"]=> NULL ["id"]=> int(1291) ["name"]=> string(4) "test" ["username"]=> string(4) "test" ["email"]=> string(22) "test@test.com" ["password"]=> string(65) "5757d7ea6f205f0ee9102e41f66939b4:7dTHzEolpDFKa9P2wmZ4SYSjJSedWFXe" ["password_clear"]=> string(4) "test" ["usertype"]=> NULL ["block"]=> NULL ["sendEmail"]=> int(0) ["registerDate"]=> string(19) "2013-03-05 17:00:40" ["lastvisitDate"]=> NULL ["activation"]=> NULL ["params"]=> string(2) "{}" ["groups"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "2" } ["guest"]=> int(1) ["lastResetTime"]=> NULL ["resetCount"]=> NULL ["aid"]=> int(0) ["password2"]=> string(4) "test" }