using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
namespace AppResourceLib.Public.Reflection
internal static class ResourceManagerCache
private static Dictionary<Type, ResourceManager> _resourceManagerMap =
new Dictionary<Type, ResourceManager>();
public static ResourceManager GetResourceManager(Type resourceType)
ResourceManager resourceManager = null;
// Make sure the type is valid.
if (null != resourceType)
// Try getting the cached resource manager.
if (!ResourceManagerCache._resourceManagerMap.TryGetValue(resourceType, out resourceManager))
// If it is not in the cache create it.
resourceManager = resourceType.InvokeMember(
(BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic),
null) as ResourceManager;
// If it was created, add the resource manager to the cache.
if (null != resourceManager)
ResourceManagerCache._resourceManagerMap.Add(resourceType, resourceManager);
return resourceManager;
2) 创建本地化描述属性
这是您将应用于 Enum 类型的属性。很酷的一点是,您不必为每个枚举添加属性,只需在枚举类型声明上方添加一次即可。
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace AppResourceLib.Public.Reflection
/// <summary>
/// A resource type attribute that can be applied to enumerations.
/// </summary>
public sealed class LocalizedDescriptionAttribute : Attribute
/// <summary>
/// The type of resource associated with the enum type.
/// </summary>
private Type _resourceType;
public LocalizedDescriptionAttribute(Type resourceType)
this._resourceType = resourceType;
/// <summary>
/// The type of resource associated with the enum type.
/// </summary>
public Type ResourceType
return this._resourceType;
3) 创建本地化描述转换器
这会将枚举值转换为您将在字符串资源 (.resx) 文件中提供的字符串。
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace AppResourceLib.Public.Reflection
[ValueConversion(typeof(Object), typeof(String))]
public class LocalizedDescriptionConverter : IValueConverter
public Object Convert(Object value, Type targetType, Object param, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
String description = null;
if (null != value)
// If everything fails then at least return the value.ToString().
description = value.ToString();
// Get the LocalizedDescriptionAttribute of the object.
LocalizedDescriptionAttribute attribute =
as LocalizedDescriptionAttribute;
// Make sure we found a LocalizedDescriptionAttribute.
if (null != attribute)
ResourceManager resourceManager =
if (null != resourceManager)
// Use the ResourceManager to get the description you gave the object value.
// Here we just use the object value.ToString() (the name of the object) to get
// the string in the .resx file. The only constraint here is that you have to
// name your object description strings in the .resx file the same as your objects.
// The benefit is that you only have to declare the LocalizedDescriptionAttribute
// above the object type, not an attribute over every object.
// And this way is localizable.
description = resourceManager.GetString(value.ToString(), cultureInfo);
String formatString = (param as String);
// If a format string was passed in as a parameter,
// make a string out of that.
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(formatString))
formatString = formatString.Replace("\\t", "\t");
formatString = formatString.Replace("\\n", "\n");
formatString = formatString.Replace("\\r", "\r");
description = String.Format(formatString, value.ToString(), description);
return description;
public Object ConvertBack(Object value, Type targetType, Object param, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
throw new NotImplementedException();
return null;
4) 创建资源 (.resx) 字符串文件
现在您要创建一个资源文件,其中将包含您想要的 Enums 键值样式的描述。我的意思是,在字符串资源的“名称”列中,您将输入各个枚举的确切名称,并在“值”列中输入转换该枚举时想要获取的字符串。
public enum MyColors
姓名 | 价值
黑色 | 深
蓝色 | 一个冷色
白| 明亮的颜色
5) 使用属性创建枚举
现在我们终于用 LocalizedDescription 进行 Enum 声明。传递给 LocalizedDescription 属性的参数是字符串资源文件的类型。现在,当使用转换器时,它将查看枚举类型的属性,获取资源文件,查找与特定枚举值的字符串值匹配的键字符串,并将资源文件中的值作为转换后的字符串返回。
using AppResourceLib.Public;
using AppResourceLib.Public.Reflection;
namespace MyEnums
public enum MyColors
在您的 xaml 代码中,您将希望创建一个数据提供程序来获取您的 UI 元素的枚举值(我在这里使用 ComboBox ...)。然后,您将希望使转换器可用并将您的 UI 元素模板化以使用枚举转换器。所以这里...
<!-- Enum Colors -->
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="MyColorEnums"
ObjectType="{x:Type sys:Enum}">
<x:Type TypeName="MyColors"/>
<!-- Enum Type Converter -->
<LocalizedDescriptionConverter x:Key="EnumConverter"/>
<!-- Dropdown Expand ComboBox Template -->
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyColorsComboBoxTemplate">
<Label Content="{Binding Path=., Mode=OneWay,
Converter={StaticResource EnumConverter}}"
Height="Auto" Margin="0" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<!-- And finally the ComboBox that will display all of your enum values
but will use the strings from the resource file instead of enum.ToString() -->
<ComboBox Width="80" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource MyColorsComboBoxTemplate}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyColorEnums}}">