我正在尝试编写一个超高效的方法,它在两种“模式”(WORDCHARACTER)下运行,它接受一个字符串并告诉我其中的单词数(由 1+ 个空格分隔)或字符(非空格字符):

public int getCount(String toExamine, boolean wordMode) {
    int count = 0;

    if(wordMode) {
        // Return the number of words.
    else {
        // Return the number of characers.

    return count;


StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(" ");


for(int i = 0; i < toExamine.length; i++)

但这有点难看,可能不是最有效的方法(这StringTokenizer件作品也是如此)。是否可以在这里使用正则表达式,或者其他一些 Java 字符串/字符的疯狂,可以让我以超高效的方式获得我需要的东西?我在这里处理数以千万计的字符串。提前致谢。


3 回答 3


隐蔽到 char 数组并使用 for 循环进行迭代

int charCount =0;
for(int i=0; i<sentence.length(); i++) {
    if(!Character.isWhitespace(sentence.charAt(i))) {


int charcount = 0;
String newSentence =sentence.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
charcount = newSentence.length();
于 2013-02-22T16:28:38.437 回答


int noSpaces=toExamine.split("\\s+").length-1; 

数字 pf 字符将是:

int noChar=toExamine.length-noSpaces;
于 2013-02-22T16:32:41.967 回答

下面的测试程序产生以下结果。程序会输出 5 组这样的结果,但我这里只显示一组。带有的行//是我的注释,而不是程序的输出。

// 非空间占空间的百分比约为 0.857
// 生成的完整字符串的长度为 1 075 662
0.857 1075662
// Name_of_method (Result): 15_Runs_In_Microseconds | Average_In_Microseconds
countWords_1 (131489): 20465 20240 21045 20193 20000 19972 20551 39489 19859 19971 19889 19877 20049 19900 19949 | 21429
countWords_2 (131489):255500 258723 254543 255956 253606 263549 254096 254402 254191 254296 253752 261501 260788 261574 254178 | 256710
countWords_3 (131489):26225 25022 24830 24829 24545 24819 25459 24625 25628 24700 24936 24794 24794 24849 25026 | 25005
countWords_4 (131489):24537 24169 25283 24862 23863 23902 24068 23906 51472 23731 23889 23844 23832 24275 23896 | 25968
countWords_5 (131489):81087 112095 80008 81290 81472 80581 80717 80460 79870 80557 80694 80923 145686 80564 80849 | 87123
countWords_6 (131489): 114391 114146 111946 111873 112331 167207 134117 118217 112843 112804 113533 111834 112830 112392 118181 | 118576
countChars_1 (922546): 150507 109102 150453 111352 149753 108099 153842 109034 150817 117258 149219 108194 152839 110340 149524 | 132022
countChars_2 (922546): 28779 29473 52499 27182 26519 27743 26717 27161 26451 27060 26307 27309 26350 62824 33134 | 31700
countChars_3 (922546): 25408 25127 24980 24832 24624 24671 24848 24712 24634 24622 24607 24613 24661 24765 24883 | 24799
countChars_4 (922546): 81489 82246 80906 80718 80803 81147 81113 81798 81030 81024 108508 80768 80780 80671 80753 | 82916
countChars_5 (922546):26086 25546 24846 43734 25016 25083 24894 25530 25031 25041 25114 24935 25358 24895 43498 | 27640
countChars_6 (922546): 102559 102257 101381 101589 103432 101739 102794 129472 101305 101834 103124 101486 101254 102874 101481 | 103905

countWords_2countWords_6是涉及正则表达式和技巧的单线方法,replaceAll与其他方法相比非常慢。countWords_5使用预编译Pattern进行匹配,比使用 的单行代码更快replaceAll,但与其他代码相比仍然较慢。


countWords_1StringTokenizer 与不包括 Unicode 字符的默认分隔符一起使用。因此,这里没有很好的比较,因为语义完全不同。


countChars_1并且countChars_6是涉及使用正则表达式和replaceAll. 同样,它比countChars_4使用预编译的Pattern. 同样,所有正则表达式解决方案都比简单循环慢。

countChars_2countChars_3并且countChars_5是简单循环的一些变体。我观察到的许多运行的差异不是很一致,因此不是结论countChars_3countChars_5 。但countChars2通常会稍微慢一些,可能是由于必须为函数char[]返回的分配新内存。toCharArray



  • 更改生成的测试字符串的长度以及空格字符出现的频率。

    目前,测试字符串的长度在 700 000 到 1 300 000 个字符之间是随机的,非空格与空格字符的比例在 4:1 到 9:1 之间变化(我猜测一般文本)。您可以将 设置FLUCTUATION为 0,以便长度或比率是固定的 - 当您想要测试边缘情况时非常有用。

  • 替换测试字符串的生成方式(真实数据而不是随机生成的字符串)。

    目前,使用了 ASCII 字符的一个子集:一些 64 个非空格字符;空格、换行符、制表符和回车符用作空白字符。有 Unicode 空白字符,但未包含在当前测试中。

  • 添加新方法进行测试,用@Test注释标记。

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;

class TestStringProcessing_15028652 {

  private @interface Test {};

  // From 0.80 - 0.90 (4:1 to 9:1 non-space:space characters ratio)
  private static final double NON_SPACE_RATIO = 0.85;
  private static final double NON_SPACE_RATIO_FLUCTUATION = 0.05;

  // With the way the test is written, it is not going to work well with small input (1000 is NOT enough)
  // Currently set to 700 000 - 1 300 000 characters
  private static final int NUM_CHARS = 1000000;
  private static final int NUM_CHARS_FLUCTUATION = 300000;

  // Some whitespace characters
  private static final char WHITESPACES[] = {' ', '\t', '\r', '\n'};

  // Number of times to run all methods
  private static final int NUM_OUTER = 5;
  // Number of times to run each method
  private static final int NUM_REPEAT = 15;

  static {
    for (int i = 0; i < WHITESPACES.length; i++) {

  private static Random random = new Random();

  private static String generateInput() {

    double nonSpaceRatio = NON_SPACE_RATIO + random.nextDouble() * 2 * NON_SPACE_RATIO_FLUCTUATION - NON_SPACE_RATIO_FLUCTUATION;
    int numChars = NUM_CHARS + random.nextInt(2 * NUM_CHARS_FLUCTUATION) - NUM_CHARS_FLUCTUATION;

    System.out.printf("%.3f %d\n", nonSpaceRatio, numChars);

    StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();

    for (int i = 0; i < numChars; i++) {
      if (random.nextDouble() < nonSpaceRatio) {
        output.append((char) (random.nextInt(64) + '0'));
      } else {

    return output.toString();

  private static ArrayList<Method> getTestMethods() {
    Class<?> klass = null;
    try {
      klass = Class.forName(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getClassName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("Something really bad happened. Bailling out...");
    Method[] methods = klass.getMethods();
    // System.out.println(klass);
    // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(methods));

    ArrayList<Method> testMethods = new ArrayList<Method>();

    for (Method method: methods) {
        if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Test.class)) {

    return testMethods;

  public static void runTestReflection() {
    ArrayList<Method> methods = getTestMethods();

    for (int t = 0; t < NUM_OUTER; t++) {
      String input = generateInput();

      for (Method method: methods) {

        try {
          System.out.print(method.getName() + " (" + method.invoke(null, input) + "): ");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        long sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_REPEAT; i++) {
          long start, end;
          Object result;

          try {
            start = System.nanoTime();
            result = method.invoke(null, input);
            end = System.nanoTime();

            System.out.print((end - start) / 1000 + " ");
            sum += (end - start) / 1000;
          } catch (Exception e) {

        System.out.println("| " + sum / NUM_REPEAT);


  public static void main(String args[]) {

  public static int countWords_1(String input) {
    // WARNING: This is NOT the same as isWhitespace, since isWhitespace
    // also consider Unicode characters.
    return new StringTokenizer(input).countTokens();

  public static int countWords_2(String input) {
    return input.replaceAll("\\S+", "$0 ").length() - input.length();

  public static int countWords_3(String input) {
    int count = 0;
    boolean in = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
      if (!Character.isWhitespace(input.charAt(i))) {
        if (!in) {
          in = true;
      } else {
        in = false;

    return count;

  public static int countWords_4(String input) {
    int count = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
      if (!Character.isWhitespace(input.charAt(i))) {
        do {
        } while (i < input.length() && !Character.isWhitespace(input.charAt(i)));

    return count;

  public static int countWords_5(String input) {
    int count = 0;
    Matcher m = p.matcher(input);

    while (m.find()) {

    return count;

  public static int countWords_6(String input) {
    return input.replaceAll("\\s*+\\S++\\s*+", " ").length();

  public static int countChars_1(String input) {
    return input.replaceAll("\\s+", "").length();

  public static int countChars_2(String input) {
    int count = 0;
    for (char c: input.toCharArray()) {
      if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) {

    return count;

  public static int countChars_3(String input) {
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
      if (!Character.isWhitespace(input.charAt(i))) {

    return count;

  private static Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\S+");

  public static int countChars_4(String input) {
    Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
    int count = 0;

    while (m.find()) {
      count += m.end() - m.start();

    return count;

  public static int countChars_5(String input) {
    int count = input.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
      if (Character.isWhitespace(input.charAt(i))) {

    return count;

  public static int countChars_6(String input) {
    return input.length() - input.replaceAll("\\S+", "").length();
于 2013-02-22T20:07:49.103 回答