我有一个在没有 UI 的情况下运行的 FTP 进程。并有一个使用此 ftp 控件的 winform。在那个窗口中,我有一个显示 ftp 上传进度的进度条。进度通过在底层演示者上更新的接口到达窗口(我正在使用 MVP 模式)。
即使我在表单中使用 BackGroundWorker,该问题仍然存在。
// This is a delegated on presenter when a File finish to upload
void client_FileUploadCompletedHandler(object sender, FileUploadCompletedEventArgs e)
string log = string.Format("{0} Upload from {1} to {2} is completed. Length: {3}. ",
DateTime.Now, e.LocalFile.FullName, e.ServerPath, e.LocalFile.Length);
archivosSubidos += 1;
_Publicacion.ProgresoSubida = (int)((archivosSubidos / archivosXSubir) * 100);
//this.lstLog.SelectedIndex = this.lstLog.Items.Count - 1;
// This is My interfase
public interface IPublicacion
int ProgresoSubida { set; }
/// And Here is the implementartion of the interfase on the form
public partial class PublicarForm : Form ,IPublicacion
//Credenciales para conectarse al servicio FTP
public FTPClientManager client = null;
public XmlDocument conf = new XmlDocument();
public string workingDir = null;
public webTalk wt = new webTalk();
private readonly PublicacionesWebBL _Publicador;
public PublicarForm()
String[] laPath = { System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory};
String lcPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(laPath);
_Publicador = new PublicacionesWebBL(this, lcPath);
public int ProgresoSubida
// This is my prograss bar, here it throw the exception.
prgProgresoSubido.Value = value;