R 无法解析为变量。所以我尝试做“修复项目设置”,但它无法识别其所有子内容,例如来自 my xml, R.id.X,的对象R.drawable.Y,它们都没有被识别。


    Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
users cannot be resolved or is not a field  MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 170    Java Problem
ic_launcher cannot be resolved or is not a field    MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 159    Java Problem
about cannot be resolved or is not a field  MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 136    Java Problem
menu_user cannot be resolved or is not a field  MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 133    Java Problem
imp_logo cannot be resolved or is not a field   MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 198    Java Problem
activity_main cannot be resolved or is not a field  MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 44 Java Problem
timerCB cannot be resolved or is not a field    MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 64 Java Problem
timerTime cannot be resolved or is not a field  MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 65 Java Problem
statusText cannot be resolved or is not a field MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 66 Java Problem
timerText cannot be resolved or is not a field  MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 67 Java Problem
start_button cannot be resolved or is not a field   MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 68 Java Problem
stop_button cannot be resolved or is not a field    MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 69 Java Problem
activity_main cannot be resolved or is not a field  MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 123    Java Problem
menu_url cannot be resolved or is not a field   MainActivity.java   /RemoteSwitch/src/com/example/remoteswitch  line 130    Java Problem

4 回答 4


只需删除即可import android.R

于 2014-02-27T10:42:18.547 回答

项目-> 清洁几次。


如果您仍然无法R.javagen文件夹中找到,请检查您的文件中是否有任何错误layout,例如检查您的所有xml filesdrawables是否仅以小写字母命名。


于 2013-02-22T14:17:54.193 回答
  • 通过选择Project - Clean来清理项目
  • 如果R.java没有创建,删除gen文件夹,然后手动重新创建,右键,Build Path-用作源文件夹,重建项目
  • 如果R.java仍然不存在,则您的某些 XML 文件可能包含错误,请检查
  • 如果您的项目的来源是 svn 存储库,则可能存在一些编译器无法识别的不可见配置文件。右键你的项目-属性-资源-资源过滤器-添加-排除所有-文件和文件夹-名称匹配.svn
  • 如果您下载并导入了项目,请检查目标(SDK)并确保您已安装所需的软件包。
于 2013-02-22T14:22:00.650 回答

上面的答案清楚地说明了这一点。看看你的布局文件和我的提示:当我用 strings.xml 文件填充时,我发现在那里复制一些颜色时,我用标签关闭了标签。这是很容易被忽视的事情,我打算编写一个检测到这一点的类,因为显然这不会很快得到修复(通过修复我的意思是至少给我们一个通知)。

于 2013-02-22T14:24:51.070 回答