我将 Jquery Tools 的 Overlay 放在我的站点中,以在多个叠加层中显示项目的信息。这工作得很好,但我一直在尝试“自动化”代码来读取新项目并将它们加载到覆盖中。发生的事情看起来不错,但无论我点击哪个项目,覆盖总是加载第一个项目的内容......

我做了很多谷歌搜索和复制粘贴才能走到这一步,我(还)不是一个程序员,我希望代码不会吓到你们...... ;-)

无论如何,这是一个链接:http ://www.wgwd.nl/test

如果您单击“项目”,则会打开一个正常的 div,加载它找到的所有项目(现在是两个)。当您单击一个时,它会在 3 个叠加层中打开该内容。如前所述,不幸的是,它总是加载相同的内容,而与您单击的项目无关。

我试图为 JScript 分配一个唯一的函数名称(使用项目文件名中的 php 生成),但这似乎不起作用。


    //reads projectfolder and distills 
    //a basename out of the project description.txt 
    $textfiles = glob('content/projects/*.txt', GLOB_BRACE);
    foreach ($textfiles as $textfile) { ?>
        <div id="details"> <?
            $pad = pathinfo ($textfile);
            $base_name = basename($textfile,'.'.$pad['extension']);

            // the link that opens the overlays. Don't think the "id" tag is nescessary
            echo '<a id="'.$base_name.'" href="#" onclick="'.$base_name.'()"><img src="'.$base_name.'/main.jpg"/></a>' ?>   

            <!-- defines overlay, hidden by default -->
            <div id="dragwindow1" class="overlay ol1">
                <a class="close"></a>
                    include ('content/projects/'.$base_name.'/content.txt'); 
        // the description of each project
        include ($textfile);

            // within the foreach open all overlays with function name $base_name
            var <?=$base_name?> = function () {
                $("a[rel]").each(function() {

        <hr />
    <? } //end foreach ?>

<!-- somehow, without defining these links, the whole 'open all overlay' thing doesn't work -->
<a rel="div.overlay:eq(0)" type="button" style="display: none">first</an>
<a rel="div.overlay:eq(1)" type="button" style="display: none">second</a>
<a rel="div.overlay:eq(2)" type="button" style="display: none">third</a> 

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function projects() {
    // positions for each overlay
    var positions = [
        [120, '15%'], //uppper left, #1
        [70, '60%'], // lower left, #2
        ['60%', '40%'], // lower right, #3

    // setup triggers
    $("a[rel]").each(function(i) {

            // common configuration for each overlay
            oneInstance: false,

            // setup custom finish position
            top: positions[i][0],
            left: positions[i][1],


编辑:我编辑了代码以省略所有不相关的内容问题仍然存在:Javascript 仅返回 foreach 循环中第一次调用的内容。无论如何为PHP中的每个循环生成多个javascript实例?


1 回答 1


解决了!在朋友的大力帮助下,他重新定义了 Jquery Tools 的多个叠加层如何工作(并且应该首先工作......)



// open all overlays
function openAll(currentOverlays) {


<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
    // positions for each overlay
    var positions = [
        ['60%', 540], // lower right, #3
        [80, '65%'], // lower left, #2
        [120, '12%'], //uppper right, #1


    // setup triggers
    $("div.overlay").each(function(i) {
            // some configuration for each overlay

            // positioning the overlays
            top: positions[i % 3][0],
            left: positions[i % 3][1]

// open all overlays
function openAll(currentOverlays) {

// close all overlays
function closeAll(currentOverlays) {

<div id="projectstarter">

    <div class="maindetails">
        <a class="close"></a> <!-- defines a close button for the overlay -->

        $textfiles = glob('content/projects/*.txt', GLOB_BRACE);
        foreach ($textfiles as $textfile) { 

            $pad = pathinfo ($textfile);
            $base_name = basename($textfile,'.'.$pad['extension']);
            echo '<a href="#" onclick="openAll(\'div.'.$base_name.'\')">';
            echo '<img src="./content/projects/'.$base_name.'/projectimage.jpg" class="thumb"/></a></div>';
            include '$textfile'; //project description

         } // end MAIN foreach ?>

<div id="projects"> 
foreach ($textfiles as $textfile) { 
        $pad = pathinfo ($textfile);
        $base_name = basename($textfile,'.'.$pad['extension']); ?>
            <div id="dragwindow3" class="<?=$base_name?> overlay ol3">
                <a class="close"></a>
                <div class="details">
                    // include media here

            <div id="dragwindow2" class="<?=$base_name?> overlay ol2">
                <a class="close"></a>
                <div class="details">
                    // include credits here

            <div id="dragwindow1" class="<?=$base_name?> overlay ol1 ">
                <a class="close"></a>
                <div class="details">
                    // include content here

    <? } ?>
    $( "#projectstarter" ).overlay();
    $( "#projectstarter" ).draggable().resizable({ghost: true});
    $( ".ol1" ).draggable().resizable({ghost: true});
    $( ".ol2" ).draggable().resizable({ghost: true});
    $( ".ol3" ).draggable().resizable({ghost: true});
于 2013-03-05T18:39:33.800 回答