<b id="TITLE">The%20Vampire%20Diaries</b>
<b id="TITLE"> How%20I%20met%20your%20moom</b>
如何在 a 包含的所有名称中将 all 替换为 (space %20
) ?" "
Use unescape()
return unescape(v);
Live Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/rm8GU/1
FYI: In case both elements in your example exist in the same document, ID should be unique, and you should use class references instead.
You shouldn't have 2 items with the same ID. Try using a class instead, then iterating the classes.
$("#TITLE").text($("#TITLE").text().replace("%20", " "));
$('b').each(function (i) {
if ($(this).id=='Title');
{ $(this).text($(this).text().replace("%20", " "));