我编写了一个代码来简单地读/写(复制)一个 *.bmp 文件。但是有问题我的程序一遍又一遍地运行......我的意思是看起来里面有一个while(true)循环或其他东西。这是我的代码:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct Pix
unsigned char R;
unsigned char G;
unsigned char B;
unsigned char L;
int BW;
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct BitMap
short Signature;
long Reserved1;
long Reserved2;
long DataOffSet;
long Size;
long Width;
long Height;
short Planes;
short BitsPerPixel;
long Compression;
long SizeImage;
long XPixelsPreMeter;
long YPixelsPreMeter;
long ColorsUsed;
long ColorsImportant;
struct Pix *pixels
#pragma pack(pop)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
unsigned long int i=0;//to count pixels readed
unsigned long int S=0;//number of pixcels to read
struct BitMap source_info;//to store bitmap info header
struct Pix source_pix;// to store pixcels
FILE *fp;//file pointer for source file
FILE *Dfp;//file ponter for distenation file
if(!(fp=fopen("in.bmp","rb")))//open in binery read mode
printf(" can not open file");//prind and exit if file open error
Dfp=fopen("out.bmp","wb");//opne in binery write mode
//read the headers to souirce file
fread(&source_info, (sizeof(long)*3 + sizeof(short)),1,fp);
//calucate the number of pix to read
source_info.pixels = (struct Pix *) malloc(sizeof(struct Pix)*S);
//read pixcels
//read pixcel form source file
fread(&source_pix,sizeof(struct Pix),1,fp);
source_info.pixels[i-1] = source_pix;
// write header to dest file
fwrite(&source_info, (sizeof(long)*3 + sizeof(short)),1,Dfp);
// write pixels to dest file
fwrite(&source_info.pixels[i-1],sizeof(struct Pix),1,Dfp);
//close all fiels
return 0;