$cmd = "convert $photo -quality 50 JPG:-";
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
passthru($cmd, $retval);
<img src="php_page_containing_above_code.php?photo=sunflower.jpg">
并有更多的图像。注释掉代码顶部的 $photo 变量,我现在不记得确切的代码并且正在工作,所以无法测试它。我认为你不需要 $photo = $_GET['photo']; 但又不记得了,因为我不使用这种方法。
当 OP 说第一部分不起作用时添加的代码示例。
将此保存为 image.php
$photo = $_REQUEST['photo'];
$cmd = "convert $photo -quality 50 JPG:-";
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
passthru($cmd, $retval);
// Directory to read images from
$dir = "background/";
// Read the directory and sellect EVERYTHING
$filenames = glob( "$dir*" );
// Start the loop to display the images
foreach ( $filenames as $filename ) {
// Display the images
echo "<img src=\"image.php?photo=".$filename."\" />\n";
文件 1 - 调整图像大小(不要在目录上运行超过一次,否则您的拇指数量会翻倍!)
// Read the directory and sellect jpg only
$filenames = glob("$dir*.{jpg,JPG}", GLOB_BRACE);
// Start the loop to resize the images
foreach ( $filenames as $filename ) {
// New name
$name = explode ( '/', $filename );
$newname = $name[0]."/th_".$name[1];
//Resize and save in the same directory
//exec("convert $filename -resize 400x400 -quality 50 $newname");
文件 2 - 显示图像
// Read all the image files into an array that start with th_
$filenames = glob("$dir/th_*.{jpg,JPG}", GLOB_BRACE);
// Display the array contents
foreach ( $filenames as $value ){ echo "<img src=\"$value\"><br>"; }