I am using an Access form on the front end, bound to a SQL Server 2008 table. I have an Arrival Time column of datatype Time.

But I get an ODBC error every time I try to save a record. Error states:

Invalid character value for cast specification.

Time displays as 10:00:00 AM. I have tried with and without a time format in the properties of the field, and with/without an input mask of various types. Does anyone know how to avoid this error?


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当我使用旧的“”ODBC 驱动程序将 SQL Server 2012 Express 中的“时间”字段链接到访问前端 (2010 accdb) 时SQL Server,它将其转换为文本字段,并且不允许更新。您可能会考虑使用datetime字段,或尝试更新的 ODBC 驱动程序。我相信“时间”字段是在 SQL 2008 中首次引入的,所以我猜旧的 ODBC 驱动程序不知道如何处理它。

于 2013-02-22T22:42:54.707 回答