import random
def rewrite_at(index, replacements, the_list):
del the_list[index]
the_list[index:index] = replacements
def generate_sentence(grammar):
sentence_list = [grammar.start()]
all_terminals = False
while not all_terminals:
all_terminals = True
for position, symbol in enumerate(sentence_list):
if symbol in grammar._lhs_index:
all_terminals = False
derivations = grammar._lhs_index[symbol]
derivation = random.choice(derivations) # or weighted_choice(derivations) if you have a function for that
rewrite_at(position, derivation.rhs(), sentence_list)
return sentence_list
from nltk.tree import Tree
def tree_from_production(production):
return Tree(production.lhs(), production.rhs())
def leaf_positions(the_tree):
return [the_tree.leaf_treeposition(i) for i in range(len(the_tree.leaves()))]
def generate_tree(grammar):
initial_derivations = grammar._lhs_index[grammar.start()]
initial_derivation = random.choice(initial_derivations) # or weighed_choice if you have that function
running_tree = tree_from_production(initial_derivation)
all_terminals = False
while not all_terminals:
all_terminals = True
for position in leaf_positions(running_tree):
node_label = running_tree[position]
if node_label in grammar._lhs_index:
all_terminals = False
derivations = grammar._lhs_index[node_label]
derivation = random.choice(derivations) # or weighed_choice if you have that function
running_tree[position] = tree_from_production(derivation)
return running_tree
这是用于 NLTK PCFG 生产规则的 weighted_choice 函数,可与上述内容一起使用,改编自 Ned Batchelder 的回答,用于一般的加权选择函数:
def weighted_choice(productions):
prods_with_probs = [(prod, prod.prob()) for prod in productions]
total = sum(prob for prod, prob in prods_with_probs)
r = random.uniform(0, total)
upto = 0
for prod, prob in prods_with_probs:
if upto + prob >= r:
return prod
upto += prob
assert False, "Shouldn't get here"