目前,我正在为一个名为 PaintPot 的 Android 程序提供给我们的代码,该程序允许用户在他们的 Android 设备上进行手指绘画。
// Here is the event dispatcher for our app. We need to Override the method for the Form
// superclass
public boolean dispatchEvent(Component component, String id, String eventName,
Object[] args) {
//if the canvas is touched by a tapping finger
if (component.equals(myCanvas) && eventName.equals("Touched")) {
canvasTouced(((Float) args[0]).intValue(), ((Float) args[1]).intValue());
return true;
//if the canvas is touched by a dragging finger, paint the line this way
} else if (component.equals(myCanvas) && eventName.equals("Dragged")) {
drawLine(((Float) args[2]).intValue(),
((Float) args[3]).intValue(),
((Float) args[4]).intValue(),
((Float) args[5]).intValue());
return true;
//if the canvas is touched while the blue button is selected
} else if (component.equals(btnBlue) && eventName.equals("Click")) {
return true;
//if the canvas is touched while the green button is selected
} else if (component.equals(btnGreen) && eventName.equals("Click")) {
return true;
//if the canvas is touched while the red button is selected
} else if (component.equals(btnRed) && eventName.equals("Click")) {
return true;
//if the wipe button is selected
} else if (component.equals(btnWipe) && eventName.equals("Click")) {
return true;
return false;
该代码工作正常,并且可以“按原样”执行我想要的操作。但我真的不明白的是,如果用户在画布上点击或拖动他或她的手指的 if 语句处于“同一级别”,或者如果选择了颜色按钮,则在同一 if 语句中。不应该是当用户在屏幕上点击或拖动他的手指时,确定是否制作的线或点的相同代码还应该询问线或点应该是什么颜色,而不仅仅是大小点,取决于选择什么颜色的按钮?
import android.graphics.Color;
import com.google.devtools.simple.runtime.components.android.Button;
import com.google.devtools.simple.runtime.components.Component;
import com.google.devtools.simple.runtime.components.HandlesEventDispatching;
import com.google.devtools.simple.runtime.components.android.Canvas;
import com.google.devtools.simple.runtime.components.android.Form;
import com.google.devtools.simple.runtime.components.android.HorizontalArrangement;
import com.google.devtools.simple.runtime.components.android.Label;
import com.google.devtools.simple.runtime.events.EventDispatcher;
import java.util.Random;
public class PaintPotActivity extends Form implements HandlesEventDispatching {
private Canvas myCanvas; //creates a canvas object
private Label lblStatus; //creates a label that discusses the status of the program
private Button btnRed; //creates a button for red paint
private Button btnBlue; // "" for blue paint
private Button btnGreen; // "" for green paint
private Button btnWipe; //creates a button that wipes the screen clean
private Button btnDotSize; // creates a button that changes the dot size
// Variable (field) used to for displaying number of touches
int numTouches; //declares an integer that lists out the number of touches a user made
// The equivalent to a "main" method for App Inventor apps is the $define method.
void $define() {
//We are going to place the color buttons in a HorizontalArrangement
HorizontalArrangement hr = new HorizontalArrangement(this);
btnRed = new Button(hr);
btnBlue = new Button(hr);
btnGreen = new Button(hr);
//set their color
//set the button text
//canvas into its own HorizontalArrangement
hr = new HorizontalArrangement(this);
myCanvas = new Canvas(hr);
//Wipe and a label into its own HorizontalArrangement
hr = new HorizontalArrangement(this);
btnWipe = new Button(hr);
lblStatus = new Label(hr);
lblStatus.Text(" touchX/touchY:");
// Register for events. By the second argument can be any string. The third argument must
// exactly match the name of the event that you want to handle for that component. When the event
// happens, dispatchEvent will be called with these arguments.
EventDispatcher.registerEventForDelegation(this, "JavaBridge", "Touched");
EventDispatcher.registerEventForDelegation(this, "JavaBridge", "Click");
EventDispatcher.registerEventForDelegation(this, "JavaBridge", "Dragged");
// Here is the event dispatcher for our app. We need to Override the method for the Form
// superclass
public boolean dispatchEvent(Component component, String id, String eventName,
Object[] args) {
//if the canvas is touched by a tapping finger
if (component.equals(myCanvas) && eventName.equals("Touched")) {
canvasTouced(((Float) args[0]).intValue(), ((Float) args[1]).intValue());
return true;
//if the canvas is touched by a dragging finger, paint the line this way
} else if (component.equals(myCanvas) && eventName.equals("Dragged")) {
drawLine(((Float) args[2]).intValue(),
((Float) args[3]).intValue(),
((Float) args[4]).intValue(),
((Float) args[5]).intValue());
return true;
//if the canvas is touched while the blue button is selected
} else if (component.equals(btnBlue) && eventName.equals("Click")) {
return true;
//if the canvas is touched while the green button is selected
} else if (component.equals(btnGreen) && eventName.equals("Click")) {
return true;
//if the canvas is touched while the red button is selected
} else if (component.equals(btnRed) && eventName.equals("Click")) {
return true;
//if the wipe button is selected
} else if (component.equals(btnWipe) && eventName.equals("Click")) {
return true;
return false;
* This method will get the touched touchX, touchY coordinates and will then create a circle
* of random radius (between 1 to 33) with the color that was selected (RED, BLUE or GREEN).
* It will also display the touched touchX,touchY coordinates.
* @param x current x
* @param y current y
private void canvasTouced(int x, int y) {
myCanvas.DrawCircle(x, y, new Random().nextInt(33));
lblStatus.Text(" touchX/touchY:" + x + "/" + y + " touches: " + ++numTouches);
* Method to draw line
* @param prevX last touch x
* @param prevY last touch y
* @param touchX current x
* @param touchY current y
private void drawLine(int prevX, int prevY, int touchX, int touchY) {
myCanvas.DrawLine(prevX, prevY, touchX, touchY);