你好 StackOverflow 社区,
这是处理视差的代码部分。在每个 mousemove 上执行每个循环,我认为这是性能如此滞后的原因:
var dragging = false;
var clickMouseX;
//Our object for the layers
//each layer has a different scrolling speed
var movingObjects = {
'#header-l1' : {'speed': 1},
'#header-l2' : {'speed': 1.4},
'#header-l3' : {'speed': 1.85},
'#header-l4' : {'speed': 2.2},
dragging = true;
//Get initial mouse position when clicked
clickMouseX = e.pageX;
//execute only if mousedown
//iterate through all layers which have to be parallaxed
$.each(movingObjects, function(el, opt){
var element = $(el);
//get difference of initial mouse position and current mouse position
var diff = clickMouseX - mme.pageX;
//scroll-position left speed 1
if(diff < 0) diff = -1;
//scroll position right speed 1
if(diff >= 0) diff = 1;
//get current position of layer
currLeft = parseInt(element.css('left'));
//get current layer width
elWidth = element.width();
//if right border is reached don't scroll further
if(currLeft < -(elWidth - 810)){
element.css('left', -(elWidth - 810));
//so do with left border
if(currLeft > 0){
element.css('left', 0);
//parallax it! Subtract the scroll position speed multiplied by the speed of the desired
//layer from the current left property
element.css('left', parseInt(element.css('left')) - diff*opt.speed);
/* Cursor */
$(this).css('cursor', 'pointer');
return false;
我也提琴了:http: //jsfiddle.net/yWGDz/