我有一个优先级队列,它按日期顺序列出了来自 sql 数据库的大量作业。然后我得到了最接近的DeadlineJob函数,它得到了最高职位,检查是否有任何其他工作具有相同的日期,然后比较优先级以查看哪个是最高职位。然后我得到了最高职位。


public JobRequest closestDeadlineJob(int freeCPUS) {
        // find top job to determine if other jobs for date need to be considered
        JobRequest nextJob = scheduledJobs.peek(); // return top most job

        if (nextJob != null) {

            System.out.println("Found top EDF job:");
            printJob( nextJob );

            // what is it's date?
            Date highestRankedDate = nextJob.getConvertedDeadlineDate();

            // create a temporary queue to work out priorities of jobs with same deadline
            JobPriorityQueue schedulerPriorityQueue = new JobPriorityQueue();

            // add the top job to priority queue

            for (JobRequest jr : scheduledJobs) {

                // go through scheduled jobs looking for all jobs with same date
                if (jr.getConvertedDeadlineDate().equals(highestRankedDate)) {
                    // same date deadline, soadd to scheduler priority queue
                    System.out.println("Adding following job to priority queue:");

            JobRequest highestPriorityJob = schedulerPriorityQueue.poll();
            // this is the item at the top of the PRIORTY JOB queue to return 

            // remove that item from scheduledJobs

            return highestPriorityJob;
        } else {
            return null;


    public void processNextJob() {
         * 1. get # of free CPU's still avaialble
         * 2. get top most job from priority queue
         * 3. run job - put to CPU queue
         * 4. develop a CPU queue here
         * 5. count cores against freeCPUS and some sort of calculation to sort run times
        int freeCPUS = 500;
        int availableCPUS = 0;
        Queue q = new PriorityQueue();

//        while(freeCPUS >= 500)
//        {
//        }

        JobRequest nextJob = schedulerPriorityQueue.closestDeadlineJob(freeCPUS); // returns top job from queue
        if (nextJob != null) {
            System.out.println("Top priority / edf job:");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getUserID() + "-->");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getStartDate() + "--START-->");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getEndDate() + "---END-->");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getDeadDate() + "--DROP-->");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getDepartment() + "-->");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getProjectName() + "-->");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getProjectApplication() + "-->");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getPriority() + "--PRIORITY-->");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getCores() + "-->");
            System.out.print(nextJob.getDiskSpace() + "-->");

            // now got correct job based on earliest deadline / priority
            // implement a FIFO queue here / execution stack
            // add next job here
        } else {
            System.out.println("Job = null");


我需要做的是修复我的糟糕尝试或适应,将我的最接近的DeadlineJob 中的作业放入队列中,然后在我达到 500 个核心限制时停止将它们放入队列中。目前,我只是陷入了 while true 下方的 for 循环中,而且我认为我设定的方式在离开循环后甚至都行不通。



public void processNextJob() {
         * 1. get # of free CPU's still avaialble
         * 2. get top most job from priority queue
         * 3. run job - put to CPU queue
         * 4. develop a CPU queue here
         * 5. count cores against freeCPUS and some sort of calculation to sort run times
        int freeCPUS = 500;
        int availableCPUS = 0;

        JobRequest nextJob = schedulerPriorityQueue.closestDeadlineJob(freeCPUS); // returns top job from queue
        if (nextJob != null) {
            System.out.println("Top priority / edf job:");
            printJob( nextJob );
            // go through scheduled jobs looking for all jobs with same date
            if (nextJob.getCores() <= freeCPUS) {
                // same date deadline, soadd to scheduler priority queue
                System.out.println("Adding following job to execution queue:");
                printJob( nextJob );     
                // can use this to get the next top job but need to add calculations to printout the next top job aslong as CPU less than 500
//                schedulerPriorityQueue.closestDeadlineJob(freeCPUS);
//                schedulerPriorityQueue.addJob(nextJob);
            } else if (nextJob.getCores() > freeCPUS) {
                System.out.println("Queue temporarily full");
            // now got correct job based on earliest deadline / priority
            // implement a FIFO queue here / execution stack
            // add next job here
        } else {
            System.out.println("Job = null");


我想我需要在上面实现一个循环并移出 if 语句说接受下一项工作,如果低于 500,再次循环并获得另一个然后将其放入某种新队列中,当满足 500 个核心标准时停止添加新队列


2 回答 2



首先,您可以PriorityBlockingQueue使用 a定义 aComparator按日期然后优先级对作业进行排序,因此具有最早日期和最高优先级的作业始终位于队列的开头:

PriorityBlockingQueue<JobRequest> q = new PriorityBlockingQueue<Test1.JobRequest>(0, new Comparator<JobRequest>()
    public int compare(JobRequest o1, JobRequest o2)
      int dateComparison = o1.getDate().compareTo(o2.getDate());
      if (dateComparison != 0)
        return dateComparison;
      // assume higher number means higher priority
      return o2.getPriority() - o1.getPriority();

我仍然不确定我是否了解您对内核的要求,但您有两种选择。如果您希望最多同时执行 500 个作业,则拒绝新项目,您可以使用以下执行器SynchronousQueue

ExecutorService executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0 /*core size*/, 
                                                  500 /*max size*/, 
                                                  0 /*keep alive*/, 
                                                  new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>());

或者,如果您希望同时执行更少的作业,您可以在满时使用ArrayBlockingQueuewhich 块:

ExecutorService executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0 /*core size*/, 
                                                  5 /*max size*/, 
                                                  0 /*keep alive*/, 
                                                  new ArrayBlockingQueue(500-5)<Runnable>());


while (!isFinished)
  JobRequest job = q.take();
  catch (RejectedExecutionException e)


但是,如果您只想同时运行 500 个作业并且后续作业排队,只需传入 aLinkedBlockingQueue或,使用其中一种实用程序方法 on Executors,例如newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads).

于 2013-02-21T14:38:53.873 回答


public void processNextJob() {
         * 1. get # of free CPU's still avaialble
         * 2. get top most job from priority queue
         * 3. run job - put to CPU queue
         * 4. develop a CPU queue here
         * 5. count cores against freeCPUS and some sort of calculation to sort run times
        int freeCPUS = 500;
        int availableCPUS = 0;
        JobRequest temp = new JobRequest();
        Queue q = new LinkedList();

        while (true) {
            int size = q.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                temp = (JobRequest) q.peek();
                if (temp != null) {
                    availableCPUS += temp.getCores();
            if ((freeCPUS - availableCPUS) >= 0) {
                JobRequest nextJob = schedulerPriorityQueue.closestDeadlineJob(freeCPUS - availableCPUS); // returns top job from queue
                if (nextJob != null) {
                    System.out.println("Top priority / edf job:");

                } else {
                    System.out.println("Job = null");

            } else {
        if (temp != null) {

            System.out.println("Execution Queue");


于 2013-02-24T16:58:40.110 回答