我们正在使用 .NET 运行一个网络农场。每个 Web 服务器的内存中都保存着相当数量的静态对象。第 2 代垃圾回收 (GC) 需要 10-20 秒,每 5 分钟运行一次。我们或多或少遇到了 StackOverflow 遇到的相同问题:http: //samsaffron.com/archive/2011/10/28/in-managed-code-we-trust-our-recent-battles-with-the-净垃圾收集器


同时,我们实现了此处记录的方法,以在 .NET 中获取有关接近 GC 的通知。目标是在 GC 接近时将 Web 服务器从场中取出,并在 GC 结束后将其包含到场中。但是,我们只收到所有 GC 的 0.7% 的通知。我们使用 8 的 maxGenerationThreshold 和 largeObjectHeapThreshold。我们尝试了其他阈值,但错过的 GC 数量没有改变。

我们正在使用并发服务器垃圾收集 ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229357.aspx )。GCLatencyMode 是交互式的(请参阅http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.gclatencymode.aspx)。在这里,我们再次尝试使用其他 GC 模式(工作站模式、批处理等)。同样,我们没有收到大多数 GC 的通知。

是我们做错了什么,还是不可能在每次发生 GC 时都收到通知?我们怎样才能增加通知的数量?

根据http://assets.red-gate.com/community/books/assets/Under_the_Hood_of_.NET_Management.pdf,当 Gen2 达到 ~10 MB 时会触发 GC。我们有很多 RAM,因此如果我们可以手动将此阈值设置为更高的级别,则需要更多时间才能达到此阈值,并且据我了解,获得通知的概率会增加。有没有办法修改这个阈值?


GC.RegisterForFullGCNotification(gcThreshold, gcThreshold);
// Start a thread using WaitForFullGCProc.
thWaitForFullGC = new Thread(WaitForFullGCProc);
thWaitForFullGC.Name = "HealthTestGCNotificationListenerThread (Threshold=" + gcThreshold + ")";
thWaitForFullGC.IsBackground = true;


    private void WaitForFullGCProc()
        while (!gcAbort)
            // Check for a notification of an approaching collection.
            GCNotificationStatus s;
                int timeOut = CheckForMissedGc() > 0 ? 5000 : (10 * 60 * 1000);
                s = GC.WaitForFullGCApproach(timeOut);
                if (this.GcState == GCState.InducedUnnotified)
                    // Set the GcState back to okay to prevent the message from staying in the ApplicationMonitoring.
                    this.GcState = GCState.Okay;
            } while (s == GCNotificationStatus.Timeout);

            if (s == GCNotificationStatus.Succeeded)
                SetGcState(GCState.Approaching, "GC is approaching..");

            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            s = GC.WaitForFullGCComplete((int)PrewarnTime.TotalMilliseconds);
            long elapsed = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            if (s == GCNotificationStatus.Timeout)
                if (this.ForceGCWhenApproaching && !this.IsInGc && !this.IsPeriodicGcApproaching)
                    this.IsInGc = true;
                    GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced, blocking: true);
                    elapsed = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    this.IsInGc = false;
        gcAbort = false;
    catch (Exception e)

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您是否考虑过尝试通过其他方式获取 GC 通知?Jeffrey Richter(CLR via C#)解释了一种获取通知的好方法,它使用一个对象并检查它的终结器方法,它是在哪一代。

这是类:它使用内部对象,如果提供的代匹配(new GenObject(0);例如参见。)或为下一代更高的代复活,则这些对象要么被收集。

你只需订阅它GCNotification.GCDone += GCDoneHandler;

 public static class GCNotification
        private static Action<Int32> s_gcDone = null; // The event's field
        public static event Action<Int32> GCDone
                // If there were no registered delegates before, start reporting notifications now
                if (s_gcDone == null) { new GenObject(0); new GenObject(1); new GenObject(2); }
                s_gcDone += value;
            remove { s_gcDone -= value; }
        private sealed class GenObject
            private Int32 m_generation;
            public GenObject(Int32 generation) { m_generation = generation; }
            { // This is the Finalize method
                // If this object is in the generation we want (or higher),
                // notify the delegates that a GC just completed
                if (GC.GetGeneration(this) >= m_generation)
                    Action<Int32> temp = Volatile.Read(ref s_gcDone);
                    if (temp != null) temp(m_generation);
                // Keep reporting notifications if there is at least one delegate registered,
                // the AppDomain isn't unloading, and the process isn’t shutting down
                if ((s_gcDone != null)
                && !AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsFinalizingForUnload()
                && !Environment.HasShutdownStarted)
                    // For Gen 0, create a new object; for Gen 2, resurrect the object
                    // & let the GC call Finalize again the next time Gen 2 is GC'd
                    if (m_generation == 0) new GenObject(0);
                    else GC.ReRegisterForFinalize(this);
                else { /* Let the objects go away */ }
于 2013-02-22T07:32:17.610 回答