在哪里创建以及如何在 phpmyadmin 中运行过程和触发器?
我可以在 MYSQL 控制台中创建和运行程序,但不能在 phpmyadmin 中。
当我试图调用在 MYSQL 控制台中创建的过程时,将我带到 phpmyadmin 主页。


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   1. Open PhpMyAdmin
    2. Select the database which you want to create Procedure
    3. in the right Side you can see the **Routines** click on that you can see the Procedures already created for the availlable database
    4. To create Procedure Click on SQL (TAB) then type your procedure. you then Go, After that you can see the Procedure in **Routines** section
于 2013-02-21T06:12:30.707 回答