我有一个 Windows 服务,只要 OPC 服务器(KepServer)的数据发生变化,它就会插入数据库。当我从 Windows 7 的服务任务管理器手动启动服务时,服务插入正确。但服务在系统启动时仅插入一行数据,而所需的行数必须为 20。因为它是 Windows 服务,调试起来很困难,而且也没有给出任何错误。
操作系统:Windows 7;数据库:SQL Server Express;赢服务:在管理员下运行
Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
' Add code here to start your service.
'Create a new OPC Server object
ConnectedOPCServer = New OPCServer
' Add the group and set its update rate
ConnectedServerGroups = ConnectedOPCServer.OPCGroups
ConnectedGroup = ConnectedServerGroups.Add("Test1")
Catch ex As Exception
' Error handling
End Try
' Set the update rate for the group
ConnectedGroup.UpdateRate = 400
' Subscribe the group so that you will be able to get the data change
' callbacks from the server
ConnectedGroup.IsSubscribed = True
ItemCount = 3
OPCItemIDs(1) = "Channel2.Device1.EndDate"
OPCItemIDs(2) = "Channel2.Device1.Material"
OPCItemIDs(3) = "Channel2.Device1.BatchSchedule"
ClientHandles(1) = 1
ClientHandles(2) = 2
ClientHandles(3) = 3
' Establish a connection to the OPC item interface of the connected group
OPCItemCollection = ConnectedGroup.OPCItems
OPCItemCollection.DefaultIsActive = True
OPCItemCollection.AddItems(ItemCount, OPCItemIDs, ClientHandles, ItemServerHandles, ItemServerErrors)
Catch ex As Exception
' Error handling
End Try
EventLog1.WriteEntry("In OnStart")
End Sub
Public Sub ConnectedGroup_DataChange(ByVal TransactionID As Integer, ByVal NumItems As Integer, ByRef ClientHandles As System.Array, ByRef ItemValues As System.Array, ByRef Qualities As System.Array, ByRef TimeStamps As System.Array) Handles ConnectedGroup.DataChange
'This is my sub which inserts into database in the event of data change from OPC Server
Const NoOfItems = 3
Dim ObjOPCItem As OPCAutomation.OPCItem
Dim Array_Values(NoOfItems) As Object
For Each ObjOPCItem In OPCItemCollection
Array_Values(ObjOPCItem.ClientHandle) = ObjOPCItem.Value
ObjOPCItem = Nothing
Dim sql As String
sql = "INSERT INTO BatchReport (BatchCode,BatchNumber)VALUES(@AV,@AVa);"
If Array_Values(3) < 20 Then
dataadapter.InsertCommand = New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
dataadapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@AV", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Array_Values(1)
dataadapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@AVa", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Array_Values(3)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub