
这个多维数组将用于生成下面的列表。我对 VB.NET 中的多维数组的经验很少。任何帮助将不胜感激。如果您认为有更好的方法来实现这一点,请告诉我。


ID      NAME                PARENTID
10      Bobby Brown         50          
20      Dave Matthew        80
30      Sergey Boostad      50
40      Linda View          50
50      Bill Lumberg        
60      Rina Gina           50
70      Ben Thompson        100
80      Maria Tree          50
90      Gustav Duffield     80
100     Jon Theodore        
110     Cedric Loomis       100 
120     Jeremy Oscar        100


[50] - Bill Lumberg
    [10] - Bobby Brown
    [30] - Sergey Boostad
    [40] - Linda View
    [60] - Rina Gina
    [80] - Maria Tree
        [20] - Dave Matthew
        [90] - Gustav Duffield
[100] - Jon Theodore    
    [70] - Ben Thompson
    [110] - Cedric Loomis       
    [120] - Jeremy Oscar

1 回答 1



Public Class NameNode
    Public Sub New(name As String)
        Me.Name = name
    End Sub

    Public Property Name As String
    Public Level As Integer
    Public Property Children As New List(Of NameNode)
End Class


Dim bill As New NameNode("Bill Lumberg")
bill.Children.Add(New NameNode("Bobby Brown")
bill.Children.Add(New NameNode("Sergey Boostad")

要从 flat 填充它DataSet,您需要创建一个递归方法,例如:

Public Function BuildNode(data As DataSet, nameId As Integer, level As Integer), As NameNode
    Dim node As New NameNode()
    node.Level = level
    ' Find name with the ID in the dataset and set the node's name property accordingly
    Dim childIds As New List(Of Integer)
    ' Search Get a list of all the name ID's that have the current ID as their parent
    For Each i As Integer In childIds
        node.Children.Add(BuildNode(data, i, level + 1))
    Return node
End Function

然后你可以通过这样调用它来构建整个 Bill Lumberg 分支:

Dim bill As NameNode = BuildNode(data, 50, 0) 
于 2013-02-20T15:57:00.677 回答