I have created an ASP.NET MVC website and it is hosted off my existing site (www.joebooth-consulting.com/wibs). The mobile component relies on jQuery Mobile and uses the default MVC setup. The CSS files are in the content folder and the images are in a folder called images within the content folder. The icons-xx files are located there.

When I run the site in a simulator, the site looks and runs properly. However, when I load the site on my iPhone, it works properly, but the jQuery Mobile icon images do not appear, I see blank circles. I've copied the icons-xx files to different image folders, but cannot get the icons to show up. I've look in the jQuery Mobile CSS files, and the reference is URL(images\icons-18-images.jpg).

Anyone experience similar problems?

NEW: I moved the .jpg files to scripts\images as suggested, but no luck. Even stranger, I published the jQuery mobile version to the main site (rather than just the mobile) and I get the jQuery mobile menu and images when viewed in desktop Chrome or desktop Safari

More Info... When I comment out my theme roller custom colors, the images come back... More research ahead...


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