I want to know how ATG modules get started & are layered by Nucleus on server startup without explicitly specifying -Datg.dynamo.modules on server start up. I have observed that it picks up the modules in the order in which the build was done. But from where it is picking up that dynamo_module list? Till now I have found out "startNucleus.bat" where I saw dynamo_modules property.

%JAVA_VM% -classpath %CLASSPATH% -Datg.dynamo.home=%NUCLEUS_HOME% -Datg.dynamo.root=%NUCLEUS_ROOT% -Datg.dynamo.server.home=%NUCLEUS_HOME% %JAVA_ARGS% atg.applauncher.dynamo.DynamoServerLauncher %DYNAMO_MODULES% %CONFIGPATH%

With Regards, Nutan


1 回答 1


组装应用程序时,nucleus 会记录组装模块的顺序。此信息存储在 EAR 中位于 @ \atg_bootstrap.war\WEB-INF\ATG-INF的文件中

这里有一个名为dynamo.env的文件,在服务器启动时由 nucleus 使用。您可以在服务器启动时使用-Datg.dynamo.modules覆盖此配置。

问候, 阿齐姆

于 2013-03-29T01:00:27.790 回答