New to Magento here, please bear with me.

I installed a theme on Magento, which has these folders: app, js, skin, which is the usual. However, when I tried to uninstall the theme, I found that there files and folders for the theme have been created inside includes/src folder. Where did they come from, when the downloaded zip file of the theme didn't contain them?

I noticed this only happens to some themes installed. I know the files are related to the theme because the folder names inside includes/src are the developer and theme names.

Any ideas?

Magento (Enterprise 1.12)


1 回答 1


When you enable your compilation, Magento gets all the class and compiles them and puts them in includes/src directory. You can see all of your classes sitting there if you have your compilation on.

Check this in-depth details on Compilation by Alan Storm: http://alanstorm.com/magento_compiler_path

于 2013-02-20T12:10:24.457 回答