Creating a List<> Member with Spring Roo that does not answer my question!

So what I want to do is "field list --fieldName addressList" but the Spring roo seems only allow "field set --fieldName addressList --type ~.model.A" and I can't even do " field set --fieldName addressList --type java.lang.String"

so it should be very simple but how come it doesn't support that? or what should I be doing instead to achieve the same result?


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“而且我什至不能做” field set --fieldName addressList --type java.lang.String“”

那是因为 java.lang.String 不是 jpa 类。您只能将 jpa 实体相互关联。


entity jpa --class ~.Address
field string AddressLine1 --notNull
field string AddressLine2 
focus --class ~.YourClassThatNeedsAnAddressList
field set --fieldName addressList --type ~.Address

现在 ~.YourClassThatNeedsAnAddressList 的每个实例都可以有多个与之关联的地址。每个地址由两个字符串组成。

于 2013-02-20T20:25:58.623 回答