我正在尝试编写一个等效于 Java 或 C++ 中的 split() 方法的 Ada。我要输入一个字符串和一个整数并输出两个单独的字符串值。例如:拆分“hello”和 2 将返回:“第一部分是 he,第二部分是 llo”
-- split.adb splits an input string about a specified position.
-- Input: Astring, a string,
-- Pos, an integer.
-- Precondition: pos is in Astring'Range.
-- Output: The substrings Astring(Astring'First..Pos) and
-- Astring(Pos+1..Astring'Last).
with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Fixed;
use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Fixed;
procedure Split is
EMPTY_STRING : String := " ";
Astring, Part1, Part2 : String := EMPTY_STRING;
Pos, Chars_Read : Natural;
-- Split() splits a string in two.
-- Receive: The_String, the string to be split,
-- Position, the split index.
-- PRE: 0 < Position <= The_String.length().
-- (Ada arrays are 1-relative by default)
-- Passback: First_Part - the first substring,
-- Last_Part - the second substring.
function Split(TheString : in String ; Pos : in Integer; Part1 : out String ; Part2 : out String) return String is
Move(TheString(TheString'First .. Pos), Part1);
Move(TheString(Pos .. TheString'Last), Part2);
return Part1, Part2;
end Split;
begin -- Prompt for input
Put("To split a string, enter the string: ");
Get_Line(Astring, Chars_Read);
Put("Enter the split position: ");
Split(Astring, Pos, Part1, Part2);
Put("The first part is ");
Put(" and the second part is ");
end Split;
我遇到问题的主要部分是返回两个单独的字符串值,通常是整个 split() 函数。任何指针或帮助表示赞赏。谢谢