function Get-Properties($Object, $MaxLevels="5", $PathName = "`$_", $Level=0)
Returns a list of all properties of the input object
Mandatory - The object to list properties of
Specifies how many levels deep to list
Specifies the path name to use as the root. If not specified, all properties will start with "."
Specifies which level the function is currently processing. Should not be used manually.
$v = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{"Name" = "MyVM"}
Get-Properties $v | ? {$_ -match "Host"}
FunctionName :
Created by : KevinD
Date Coded : 02/19/2013 12:54:52
if ($Level -eq 0)
$oldErrorPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
#Initialize an array to store properties
$props = @()
# Get all properties of this level
$rootProps = $Object | Get-Member -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -match "Property"}
# Add all properties from this level to the array.
$rootProps | ForEach-Object { $props += "$PathName.$($_.Name)" }
# Make sure we're not exceeding the MaxLevels
if ($Level -lt $MaxLevels)
# We don't care about the sub-properties of the following types:
$typesToExclude = "System.Boolean", "System.String", "System.Int32", "System.Char"
#Loop through the root properties
$props += $rootProps | ForEach-Object {
#Base name of property
$propName = $_.Name;
#Object to process
$obj = $($Object.$propName)
# Get the type, and only recurse into it if it is not one of our excluded types
$type = ($obj.GetType()).ToString()
# Only recurse if it's not of a type in our list
if (!($typesToExclude.Contains($type) ) )
#Path to property
$childPathName = "$PathName.$propName"
# Make sure it's not null, then recurse, incrementing $Level
if ($obj -ne $null)
Get-Properties -Object $obj -PathName $childPathName -Level ($Level + 1) -MaxLevels $MaxLevels }
if ($Level -eq 0) {$ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorPreference}
Get-Properties -Object $v | ? {$_ -match "Host" }
考虑到 VMware.Vim.VirtualMachine 对象有 5087 个嵌套属性,这是一种更容易找到所需内容的方法。希望这可以帮助别人。