我刚开始编程,我正在尝试创建一个名为“verifyNeighbor”的函数,该函数使用来自另一个名为“getNeighborLabels”的函数的列表,该函数返回 boardWidth*boardHeight 板上数字“me”周围的所有邻居列表(不包括底片和重复)。但是,这会返回一个可能包含无效邻居的邻居列表(例如,在 5 x 5 的棋盘上,me=0,neighbor=4 将在列表中,但不是邻居)。这就是“verifyNeighbors”函数的作用——为“我”周围的每个邻居返回真或假。关于如何从逻辑上接近/开始的想法?
298 次
4 回答
对于在 python 中运行时由 entropy 发布的给定代码给出了错误,指出 coord 需要 3 个参数,mx,my = coords(me,boardWidth) 只给出了两个参数。有什么帮助吗?
于 2013-02-20T03:26:03.087 回答
这是一个相当简洁的版本,假设您使用的是 Python 2 - 所以如果不是这种情况,则需要更改一些小事情。我还命名了该函数,getNeighborOffsets()
def xy(boardWidth, offset):
""" x,y position from offset """
y = offset // boardWidth
x = offset - y * boardWidth
return x, y
def getNeighborOffsets(boardWidth, boardHeight, posn):
posnX, posnY = xy(boardWidth, posn)
return (y * boardWidth + x
for x in [posnX-1, posnX, posnX+1]
for y in [posnY-1, posnY, posnY+1]
if (x != posnX or y != posnY) and
0 <= x < boardWidth and 0 <= y < boardHeight)
def verifyNeighbor(boardWidth, boardHeight, cell, posn):
# if both cell and posn are on board, test whether cell is adjacent to posn
maxOffset = (boardHeight-1) * boardHeight + (boardWidth-1)
return (0 <= posn <= maxOffset and 0 <= cell <= maxOffset and
any(cell == offset for offset in getNeighborOffsets(boardWidth, boardHeight, posn)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
def offset(boardWidth, x, y): # for testing
""" offset from x, y position """
return y * boardWidth + x
boardWidth, boardHeight = 8, 8
me = offset(boardWidth, 0, 4)
print sorted(getNeighborOffsets(boardWidth, boardHeight, me))
posn1 = offset(boardWidth, 1, 5)
print verifyNeighbor(boardWidth, boardHeight, posn1, me)
posn2 = offset(boardWidth, 1, 6)
print verifyNeighbor(boardWidth, boardHeight, posn2, me)
于 2013-02-20T03:26:30.547 回答
# Gives the x and y coordinates on the board
def coords(point, boardWidth):
x = point % boardWidth;
y = point // boardWidth
return (x,y)
#inverse transform from above
def point(x, y, boardWidth):
return x + y * boardWidth
def verifyNeighbor(boardWidth, boardHeight, neighbor, me):
mx,my = coords(me, boardWidth)
nx,ny = coords(neighbor, boardWidth)
# if the generated neightbor has coords that are
# off the grid, then it is invalid
# Since x is calculated modulo boardWidth it will never
# be less than 0 or greater than boardWidth so we only
# need to check y
if ny < 0 or ny >= boardHeight:
return False
dx = abs(mx-nx)
dy = abs(my-ny)
# Neighbors are points whose coordinates relative to me are:
# (-1,-1) top left
# (-1, 0) left
# (-1, 1) bottom left
# (0, -1) top
# (0, 1) bottom
# (1, -1) top right
# (1, 0) right
# (1, 1) bottom right
# Therefore the absolute values are one of the three options
# below otherwise it's not a neighbor
return (dx,dy) in [(0,1),(1,0), (1,1)]
def getNeighborLabels(boardWidth, boardHeight, me):
mx,my = coords(me, boardWidth)
result = []
for i in range(-1,2):
for j in range(-1,2):
if i == j == 0:
p = point(mx+i, mx+j, boardWidth)
if verifyNeighbor(boardWidth, boardHeight, p, me):
result.append(point(mx+i,mx+j, boardWidth))
return result
编辑:最近用 C 编程太多了。使用 // 用于评论 >_<
Edit2:添加了 wgetNeighborLabels function that passes things through
verifyNeighbor before adding to the list.
getNeighborLabels` 现在应该可以为您工作。
于 2013-02-19T23:25:39.440 回答
def getNeighborLabels(boardWidth, boardHeight, me):
result = []
# since there's no boardHeight, the one below me is always in the resultset
if(me > boardWidth * boardHeight - 1):
# throw exception here
print 'error!'
return null
if(me < boardWidth * (boardHeight - 1)):
result += [me + boardWidth]
if(me > boardWidth - 1):
result += [me - boardWidth]
# if you're in the first or last column, something special happens:
if(not(me % boardWidth == 0)):
result += [me - 1]
if(not(me % boardWidth == boardWidth - 1)):
result += [me + 1]
def verifyNeighbor(boardWidth, boardHeight, me, neighbor):
return(neighbor in getNeighborLabels(boardWidth, boardHeight, me))
请注意,这里的索引是从 0 开始的,所以2 x 5
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
于 2013-02-19T23:27:08.653 回答