I would like to add a font style for the variable z in my Slider control below. In this toy manipulate example when the user changers the SetterBar or Slider values, the y slider is reset to y=0.1. Of course I can wrap the z Slider control with Row[{Style["Z",Bold], {z, Slider ....}], but then I need to somehow suppress the appearance of z. Thanks in advance for any help.
Module[{}, {x, y, z}], {x,
SetterBar[Dynamic[x, (x = #; y = 0.1) &], {"A", "B", "C"}] &}, {z,
Slider[Dynamic[z, (z = #; y = 0.1) &], {.1, 10},
Appearance -> "Labeled"] &},
{{y, 0.1, Style["Y", 14]}, 0.1, 5, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
Initialization :> ({x, z} = {"B", 1})]