我正在开发一个小的 Perl 脚本来自动化一些服务器任务,当我在我的 Windows 机器上测试它时一切正常,但是当我将它上传到我的 Linux 服务器时,脚本返回多个:

Use of uninitialized value $line in chomp at CreateEntity.pl line 52, <HANDLE> line 5.
Use of uninitialized value $line in string ne at CreateEntity.pl line 52, <HANDLE> line 5.
Use of uninitialized value $string in substitution (s///) at CreateEntity.pl line 67, <HANDLE>
Use of uninitialized value $string in substitution (s///) at CreateEntity.pl line 68, <HANDLE>
Use of uninitialized value $string in substitution (s///) at CreateEntity.pl line 67, <HANDLE>
Use of uninitialized value $string in substitution (s///) at CreateEntity.pl line 68, <HANDLE>


#!/usr/bin/env perl

# This fils SHOULD go in the root of Symfony... put it anywhere else AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!

use warnings;

# Declare the subroutines
sub trim;

if(!defined $ARGV[0])
    die( "No FilePath Specified!\n" );


my $entityFile = $ARGV[0];

open( HANDLE, $entityFile ) or die( "The file could not be open!" );

my $entityCmd = "php app/console doctrine:generate:entity --entity=\"rapliqBundle:";
my $entityName = "";

chomp( my $line = ( <HANDLE> ) );
$line = trim( $line );
while( $line ne "END" )
    if( trim( $line ) ~~ "NAME:" )
        chomp( $line = ( <HANDLE> ) );
        $entityName = trim( $line );
        $entityCmd = $entityCmd . $entityName;
        $entityCmd = $entityCmd . "\" --fields=\"";
    elsif( trim( $line) ~~ "FIELDS:" )
        chomp( $line = ( <HANDLE> ) );
        my @data = split( '=', $line );
        foreach my $val (@data) 
            $val = trim( $val );
            if( $val ~~ lc "string" )
                $entityCmd = $entityCmd . $val . "(255) ";
                $entityCmd = $entityCmd . $val . ":";

    52: chomp( $line = ( <HANDLE> ) );

close( HANDLE );
$entityCmd = $entityCmd . "\"";

#print $entityCmd;

system( $entityCmd );
system( "php app/console doctrine:generate:entities rapliqBundle:" . $entityName );
system( "php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force");

sub trim
    my $string = $_[0];
    67:$string =~ s/^\s+//;
    68:$string =~ s/\s+$//;
    return $string;




1 回答 1



  1. 在 CreateEntity.pl 第 52 行第 5 行的 chomp 中使用未初始化的值 $line。

    <HANDLE>返回 undef 以指示您已到达文件末尾。您忽略这一点,并尝试对返回的值进行 chomp。

  2. 在 CreateEntity.pl 第 52 行第 5 行的字符串 ne 中使用未初始化的值 $line。

    误报的行号。警告实际上来自$line ne "END".


  3. 在 CreateEntity.pl 第 67 行使用未初始化的值 $string 替换 (s///),

  4. 在 CreateEntity.pl 第 68 行使用未初始化的值 $string 替换 (s///),

    trim( $line ) ~~ "NAME:"


  5. 在 CreateEntity.pl 第 67 行使用未初始化的值 $string 替换 (s///),

  6. 在 CreateEntity.pl 第 68 行使用未初始化的值 $string 替换 (s///),

    trim( $line) ~~ "FIELDS:"




您的数据文件有 Windows 行结尾。你扼杀了这条线,留下你"END\r"而不是"END". 命令行工具可以解决这个dos2unix问题,trimming 也可以。

while (my $line = <HANDLE>) {
   $line = trim( $line );
   last if $line eq "END";
于 2013-02-19T21:37:55.593 回答