
<span id='size'>33</span>


<span id='size'>

我想在这两种情况下都获取值 '33',有没有我可以使用的 CSS 选择器?我尝试使用以下 #size 没有 b 兄弟或 b 这是 #size 兄弟:

document.querySelector('#size:not(>b), #size>b').innerText

但是我不断收到错误消息-“错误:SYNTAX_ERR:DOM Exception 12”

根据w3 Spec仅支持简单选择器,问题是“大于号”(U+003E,>)”被视为简单选择器定义的一部分。


3 回答 3


你不能用常规的 CSS 选择器来做,但是你可以用几行 JS 来做:

var element = document.querySelector('#size');
var b = element.querySelector('b');
var text = b ? b.innerText : element.childNodes[0].nodeValue;

于 2013-02-19T20:44:45.980 回答

So really you want significant text (ie other than whitespace, because in your second example there's probably tabs and returns between the span start tag and the b) of #size, or, if that doesn't exist, the significant text of its first element:

// Is text just whitespace?
function isWhitespace(text){
    return text.replace(/\s+/,'').length === 0;

// Get the immediate text (ie not that of children) of element
function getImmediateText(element){
    var text = '';

    // Text and elements are all DOM nodes. We can grab the lot of immediate descendants and cycle through them.
    for(var i = 0, l = element.childNodes.length, node; i < l, node = element.childNodes[i]; ++i){
    // nodeType 3 is text
        if(node.nodeType === 3){
            text += node.nodeValue;

    return text;

function getFirstTextNode(element){
    var text = getImmediateText(element);

    // If the text is empty, and there are children, try to get the first child's text (recursively)
    if(isWhitespace(text) && element.children.length){
        return getFirstTextNode(element.children[0])
    // ...But if we've got no children at all, then we'll just return whatever we have.
    else {
        return text;
于 2013-02-19T20:48:41.087 回答

在我们拥有 CSS Level 4 选择器和父选择器的那一天,您将能够使用一个简单的选择器,但现在您不能直接使用它。

您可以迭代找到第一个文本节点,但这是一个 hacky 解决方案:

var text = document.getElementById('size').innerHTML.split(/<.*?>/)[0];


于 2013-02-19T20:45:53.090 回答