I wrote a piece of C code to show a point in a discussion about optimizations and branch prediction. Then I noticed even more diverse outcome than I did expect. My goal was to write it in a language that is common subset between C++ and C, that is standard-compliant for both languages and that is fairly portable. It was tested on different Windows PCs:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
/// @return - time difference between start and stop in milliseconds
int ms_elapsed( clock_t start, clock_t stop )
return (int)( 1000.0 * ( stop - start ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
int const Billion = 1000000000;
/// & with numbers up to Billion gives 0, 0, 2, 2 repeating pattern
int const Pattern_0_0_2_2 = 0x40000002;
/// @return - half of Billion
int unpredictableIfs()
int sum = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < Billion; ++i )
// true, true, false, false ...
if ( ( i & Pattern_0_0_2_2 ) == 0 )
return sum;
/// @return - half of Billion
int noIfs()
int sum = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < Billion; ++i )
// 1, 1, 0, 0 ...
sum += ( i & Pattern_0_0_2_2 ) == 0;
return sum;
int main()
clock_t volatile start;
clock_t volatile stop;
int volatile sum;
printf( "Puzzling measurements:\n" );
start = clock();
sum = unpredictableIfs();
stop = clock();
printf( "Unpredictable ifs took %d msec; answer was %d\n"
, ms_elapsed(start, stop), sum );
start = clock();
sum = unpredictableIfs();
stop = clock();
printf( "Unpredictable ifs took %d msec; answer was %d\n"
, ms_elapsed(start, stop), sum );
start = clock();
sum = noIfs();
stop = clock();
printf( "Same without ifs took %d msec; answer was %d\n"
, ms_elapsed(start, stop), sum );
start = clock();
sum = unpredictableIfs();
stop = clock();
printf( "Unpredictable ifs took %d msec; answer was %d\n"
, ms_elapsed(start, stop), sum );
Compiled with VS2010; /O2 optimizations Intel Core 2, WinXP results:
Puzzling measurements:
Unpredictable ifs took 1344 msec; answer was 500000000
Unpredictable ifs took 1016 msec; answer was 500000000
Same without ifs took 1031 msec; answer was 500000000
Unpredictable ifs took 4797 msec; answer was 500000000
Edit: Full switches of compiler:
/Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /O2 /Oi /Oy- /GL /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /Gm- /EHsc /GS /Gy /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fp"Release\Trying.pch" /Fa"Release\" /Fo"Release\" /Fd"Release\vc100.pdb" /Gd /analyze- /errorReport:queue
Other person posted such ... Compiled with MinGW, g++ 4.71, -O1 optimizations Intel Core 2, WinXP results:
Puzzling measurements:
Unpredictable ifs took 1656 msec; answer was 500000000
Unpredictable ifs took 0 msec; answer was 500000000
Same without ifs took 1969 msec; answer was 500000000
Unpredictable ifs took 0 msec; answer was 500000000
Also he posted such results for -O3 optimizations:
Puzzling measurements:
Unpredictable ifs took 1890 msec; answer was 500000000
Unpredictable ifs took 2516 msec; answer was 500000000
Same without ifs took 1422 msec; answer was 500000000
Unpredictable ifs took 2516 msec; answer was 500000000
Now I have question. What is going on here?
More specifically ... How can a fixed function take so different amounts of time? Is there something wrong in my code? Is there something tricky with Intel processor? Are the compilers doing something odd? Can it be because of 32 bit code ran on 64 bit processor?
Thanks for attention!
Edit: I accept that g++ -O1 just reuses returned values in 2 other calls. I also accept that g++ -O2 and g++ -O3 have defect that leaves the optimization out. Significant diversity of measured speeds (450% !!!) seems still mysterious.
I looked at disassembly of code produced by VS2010. It did inline unpredictableIfs
3 times. The inlined code was fairly similar; the loop was same. It did not inline noIfs
. It did roll noIfs
out a bit. It takes 4 steps in one iteration. noIfs
calculate like was written while unpredictableIfs
use jne
to jump over increment.