I need to create a pop-up window like this one:
http://gyazo.com/48a138b2e40fda7e5e72acd1b653a518 in JavaScript.

When the administrator clicks on Delete link one parameter should be passed to JavaScript on-click function.

How can I bind different actions to OK and Cancel buttons ? My actions are like this one below:

<a href="<c:url value="/Invalidate.do?val=INVALIDATE"/>">Logout</a>

Could anyone help me writing this piece of code (complete on-click function)? It would be great if you also show me how to attach this on-click to my link.

Thanks in advance


1 回答 1



如果您不介意所有的 javascript 阻塞并且无法控制样式,它就可以工作。


为了获得更多控制,您必须从引导程序中引入诸如jquery ui 对话框或引导箱之类的东西,这只是 html,因此更加灵活。但除非您已经在使用相关库,否则设置起来也比较麻烦。此外,所有这些都不会阻止 javascript 的执行,这同样是更强大和更好的“实践”,但对于人们 - 尤其是初学者 - 来说也更难理解。

所以你可以做类似的事情(假设 jQuery):

$('button[name=delete]').click(function() {
  if(window.confirm("You really sure?"))

或使用 jQuery 用户界面:

$('button[name=delete]').click(function() {
    $('<div>').text("You really sure?")  //Create a simple text element to be dialog'ed
            buttons: {
                "Yes": function(){
                ,"No": function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }


$('button[name=delete]').click(function() {
    $('<div>').text("You really sure?")  //Create a simple text element to be dialog'ed
            buttons: {
                "Yes": closeAnd(doDelete)
                ,"No": closeAnd()
    function closeAnd(fn) {   //this function is automatically hoisted
        return function() {   //return a handler
             $(this).dialog('close');  //value of 'this' is determined by who invokes it               
             fn && fn();   //invoke fn if it was passed
于 2013-02-19T19:16:55.973 回答