我在让语音浏览器将我的字段值重复为一系列数字而不是大的多位数字时遇到问题。例如,我的字段将使用“数字”或“数字”类型收集输入——在​​这种情况下,它是一个转移扩展。在填充部分,我将收集到的值重复回来。不是听到分机号码 2345 说成“2-3-4-5”,而是说成“2345”。


<field name="extension" type="digits?length=4">
  <prompt bargein="false">
    Please dial in or say the extension of the <value expr="application.extensionValues" /> you are trying to reach.
  <grammar type="application/x-nuance-gsl">
    [ dtmf-1 dtmf-2 dtmf-3 dtmf-4 dtmf-5 dtmf-6 dtmf-7 dtmf-8 dtmf-9 dtmf-0 ]
  <grammar type="application/x-nuance-gsl">
    [ one two three four five six seven eight nine ]

    I received extension number <say-as interpret-as="vxml:number"><value expr="extension"/></say-as>.  Transfering you now.

编辑 1

是的,我使用的平台是“BeVocal Cafe”开发环境。我将它的 IVR 指向存储 vxml 脚本的 URI。



3 回答 3


say-as 标签是要走的路。尝试将interpret-as 属性更改为电话: http ://www.w3.org/TR/2005/NOTE-ssml-sayas-20050526/#S3.3

于 2009-09-30T02:10:57.037 回答

这是带有适当 BeVocal 标记的代码。请注意,标签的实现取决于供应商,因此不可移植。

<field name="extension" type="digits?length=4">
  <prompt bargein="false">
    Please dial in or say the extension of the <value expr="application.extensionValues" /> you are trying to reach.
  <grammar type="application/x-nuance-gsl">
    [ dtmf-1 dtmf-2 dtmf-3 dtmf-4 dtmf-5 dtmf-6 dtmf-7 dtmf-8 dtmf-9 dtmf-0 ]
  <grammar type="application/x-nuance-gsl">
    [ one two three four five six seven eight nine ]

    I received extension number <say-as type="number:digits"><value expr="extension"/></say-as>.  Transfering you now.
于 2009-12-31T18:51:07.170 回答

我有一个类似的问题。但是我通过将says-as类型设置为首字母缩写词来解决它。这让 IVR 一个接一个地拼出数字。请注意,这是在 PlumVoice IVR 上。我希望这个对你有用。这是您修改后的代码。

<field name="extension" type="digits?length=4">
  <prompt bargein="false">
    Please dial in or say the extension of the <value expr="application.extensionValues" /> you are trying to reach.
  <grammar type="application/x-nuance-gsl">
    [ dtmf-1 dtmf-2 dtmf-3 dtmf-4 dtmf-5 dtmf-6 dtmf-7 dtmf-8 dtmf-9 dtmf-0 ]
  <grammar type="application/x-nuance-gsl">
    [ one two three four five six seven eight nine ]

    I received extension number <say-as type="acronym"><value expr="extension"/></say-as>.  Transfering you now.

于 2018-06-11T19:08:47.607 回答