我有以下 Vim 语法文件:
" Vim syntax file
" Language: ScreenplayText - the textual source of ScreenplayXML
" Maintainer: Shlomi Fish <shlomif@iglu.org.il>
" Home: http://search.cpan.org/dist/XML-Grammar-Screenplay/
" Author: Shlomi Fish
" Filenames: *.screenplay-text.txt
" Last Change: Thu Jul 3 00:59:42 IDT 2008
" Version: 0.0.1
" Thanks to Andy Wokula for his help on:
" https://groups.google.com/group/vim_use/browse_thread/thread/6c0906617d67864e/a21938c5df1d15cb?show_docid=a21938c5df1d15cb
" Quit if syntax file is already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syntax sync minlines=50
" syntax match screenplayTextComment /<!--\_.\{-0,}-->/
" syntax match screenplayTextDescription /^ *\[\_.\{-0,}\]/
syntax region screenplayTextComment start="<!--" end="-->"
syntax region screenplayTextDescription start="^ *\[" end="]"
" syntax region screenplayTextSaying start=/\(^\s*\n\)\@<=\_^\(+\{2,\}\|[^[:+]*\):/ end=/^\s*$/ contains=screenplayTextAddress,screenplayTextInnerDesc
syntax region screenplayTextSaying start=/\(^\s*\n\)\@<=\_^\(+\{2,\}\|[^[:+]*\):/ end=/^\s*$/ contains=screenplayTextAddress
" syntax match screenplayTextAddress /\%^\(+\{2,\}\|[^[:+]*\):/ contained nextgroup=screenplayTextInnerDesc
syntax match screenplayTextAddress /[^:]\+:/ contained nextgroup=screenplayTextSayingAfterAddress
syntax region screenplayTextSayingAfterAddress contained
" syntax match screenplayTextInnerDesc /\[\_.\{-0,}\]/ contained nextgroup=screenplayTextInnerDesc
" For debugging - remove.
" hi def link screenplayTextSaying Statement
hi def link screenplayTextComment Comment
hi def link screenplayTextDescription PreProc
hi def link screenplayTextInnerDesc PreProc
hi def screenplayTextAddress term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
它适用于XML-Grammar-Screenplay,但 screenplayTextAddress 仍然使用“:”突出显示后续行中的内容,例如:
Kate: Of course! See, my obsession with the Bible continued throughout my
life, and later on I became a scholar: first as a married woman who just
hanged around universities and learned things from the male professors
and students, later on as someone who helped some professors with their
research and eventually got credited, and as time progressed,
I got a B.A., and then a Ph.D., and am now a professor.
PS:这里是vim-screenplay-text highlighting 的存储库(bitbucket 上的 Mercurial),这是我用来测试它的剧本(在其 GitHub git 存储库中)。