我正在使用 mjson 库(http://mjson.sourceforge.net/ ) 来做一些简单的 json 编码。json 输出应该类似于
我的函数 return {}
,或者基于这个例子: http: //mjson.sourceforge.net/examples.html
我让函数 return state : "state : "myState" { "type" : "mytype" ....
json_t *make_LogEntryToJson( NAGIOS_LOGENTRY *logEntry )
json_t *entry, *label, *value ;
// create an entry node
entry = json_new_object();
// insert the first label-value pair
label = json_new_string("type");
value = json_new_string( logEntry -> type );
json_insert_child( label, value);
json_insert_child(entry, label );
// insert the second label-value pair
label = json_new_string("hostname");
value = json_new_string( logEntry -> hostname );
json_insert_child( label, value);
json_insert_child(entry, label );
// insert the second label-value pair
label = json_new_string("srvname");
value = json_new_string(logEntry -> srvname);
json_insert_child( label, value);
json_insert_child(entry, label );
// insert the second label-value pair
label = json_new_string("libelle");
value = json_new_string( logEntry -> libelle );
json_insert_child( label, value);
json_insert_child(entry, label );
// insert the second label-value pair
label = json_new_string("timestamp");
value = json_new_string( logEntry -> timestamp );
json_insert_child( label, value);
json_insert_child(entry, label );
// insert the second label-value pair
label = json_new_string("stateType");
value = json_new_string( logEntry -> stateType );
json_insert_child( label, value);
json_insert_child(entry, label );
// insert the second label-value pair
label = json_new_string("state");
value = json_new_string( logEntry -> state );
json_insert_child( label, value);
json_insert_child(entry, label );
return entry ;
任何帮助将不胜感激 !