I am a java beginner. I am going through a book right now actually called Java in 24 Hours sixth edition by Rogers Cadenhead learning java and android programming. Anyways, to my problem. I am using eclipse to make a simple app and I want to transfer it to my galaxy s 2. I am ready to debug it and pick my device.... except its not there. I have installed Kies, the drivers, made sure its in USB debug mode but it will not recognize it. Any suggestions? This is not a duplicate! It is different because even though its in debugging mode, even though Ive reinstalled kies twice, even though Ive made sure the USB port or cord is not a problem it still does not work! But whats strange is my My Touch will work perfectly with the app. What am I missing here? This is the third time I have asked about this and cant find an answer. HELP PLEASE.
2 回答
-重新启动 adb(从命令行:“adb kill-server”然后“adb start-server”
- 重启 Eclipse
- 重启手机
- 尝试不同的电缆
抱歉,我不能更具体,我的 S3 和 S1 有这些问题,它似乎有随机的原因和随机的解决方案
您可能还会在这里找到一些答案: 为什么即使我可以使用驱动器号传输文件,Eclipse 也看不到我的三星 Galaxy 手机?
如何为三星 Galaxy S2 安装 ADB 驱动程序
第 1 步:断开我的手机与 USB 的连接
第 2 步:使用 USBDeview,我卸载了所有以前安装的与手机相关的驱动程序(这里小心!)
第 3 步:安装三星凯斯,并加载它
第 4 步:在 Samsung Kies 中,我选择了工具 > 安装驱动程序(这一步花了一些时间,而且似乎停滞不前?请耐心等待!)
第 5 步:将我的手机连接到 USB
第6步:安装的设备?Windows然后给了我一个关于缺少驱动程序的错误,但是,当我检查设备管理器时,我可以看到“Samsung Android Phone”下面是“Samsung Android ADB Device”
第 7 步:然后运行“adb.exe devices”(从命令提示符 adb.exe 位于 android-sdk 文件夹中)