我有一个数据库表事务(transactionID,LocalAmount ...)。其中 Localamount 属性的数据类型是float。在 UI 上,我试图在按钮单击事件的一行中返回列 (Localamount) 的总和。
System.NotSupportedException was unhandled by user code
Message=Casting to Decimal is not supported in LINQ to Entities queries, because the required precision and scale information cannot be inferred.
public static IEnumerable<TransactionTotalForProfitcenter> GetTotalTransactionsForProfitcenter(int profitcenterID)
List<TransactionTotalForProfitcenter> transactions = new List<TransactionTotalForProfitcenter>();
using (var context = new CostReportEntities())
transactions = (from t in context.Transactions
join comp in context.Companies on t.CompanyID equals comp.CompanyID
join c in context.Countries on comp.CountryID equals c.CountryID
where c.CountryID.Equals(comp.CountryID) && t.CompanyID == comp.CompanyID
join acc in context.Accounts
on t.AccountID equals acc.AccountID
join pc in context.Profitcenters
on t.ProfitcenterID equals pc.ProfitcenterID
group t by pc.ProfitcenterCode into tProfitcenter
select new TransactionTotalForProfitcenter
ProfitcenterCode = tProfitcenter.Key,
//the error is occurring on the following line
TotalTransactionAmount = (decimal)tProfitcenter.Sum(t => t.LocalAmount),
//the error is occurring on the following line
TotalTransactionAmountInEUR = (decimal)tProfitcenter.Sum(t => t.AmountInEUR) //the error is occurring on this line
return transactions;
谁能指出我可以尝试的其他选择。如果它太琐碎,请原谅我对 LINQ 知之甚少。