I understand how a language can bootstrap itself, but I haven't been able to find much reference on why you should consider bootstrapping.

The intuitive answer is that the language you're writing offers utilities that are not found in the "base" language of the compiler, and the language's features are relatively well-suited for a compiler.

For instance, it would make sense to bootstrap a C++ compiler -- it could potentially be much easier to maintain the compiler when OOP is properly used, as opposed to using plain C.

On the other hand, MATLAB certainly makes matrix math a lot easier than plain C, but I can't see any apparent benefits from writing a MATLAB compiler/interpreter in MATLAB -- it seems like it would become less maintainable. A similar view could be applied to the R programming language. Or a pretty extreme example would be bootstrapping Whitespace, which is written in Haskell -- definitely a massive superset of Whitespace.

Is the only reason for bootstrapping to take advantage of the new language's features? I know there's also the "because we can" reason, but that's not what I'm looking for :)


12 回答 12


There's a principle called "eating your own dogfood". By using a tool, you demonstrate the usefulness of the tool.

It is often asked, "if the compiler for language X isn't written in language X, why should I risk using it?"

This of course only applies to languages suitable for the domain of compiler writing.

于 2009-09-29T16:57:08.970 回答

There are two main advantages to bootstrapped language implementations: first, as you suggest, to take advantages of the high-level features of said language in the implementation. However, a less-obvious but no less important advantage is that it lets you customize and extend the language without dropping into a lower layer written in C (or Java, or whatever sits below the new language runtime).

Metaprogramming may not be useful for most day-to-day tasks, but there are times where it can save you a lot of duplicated or boilerplate code. Being able to hook into the compiler and core runtime for a language at a high level can make advanced metaprogramming tasks much easier.

于 2009-09-29T16:59:55.670 回答

Ken Thompson关于信任信任的思考解释了自举的最佳理由之一。从本质上讲,您的编译器会为引导链中的每个编译器版本学习新的东西,您将永远不必再教它。

在他提到的情况下,必须明确告知您编写的第一个编译器(C1)如何处理反斜杠转义。但是,第二个编译器 (C2) 是使用 C1 编译的,因此反斜杠转义处理是本机处理的。





于 2011-06-22T16:13:33.557 回答

It can be considered the bar that separates "toy" languages from "real" languages. If the language isn't rich enough to implement itself, it's still a toy. But this is probably an attitude from a largely bygone era, given the number of popular languages today that are implemented in C.

于 2009-09-29T16:57:47.190 回答

One advantage would be that developers working on the compiler would only need to know the language being compiled. Otherwise developers would need to know the language being compiled as well as the language the compiler is written in.

于 2009-09-29T16:59:37.920 回答


但是,如果您的语言不打算处理与编译相同的问题,那么引导只会诱使您使用与编译相关但与您的目标问题无关的功能来混淆您的语言。使用 Matlab 或 SQL 进行自编译将是荒谬的;Matlab 没有理由包含强大的字符串操作函数,SQL 没有理由支持代码生成。由此产生的语言将是不必要的和混乱的。


于 2010-01-05T21:04:11.917 回答

低级语言通常是自举的,因为为了将代码放在新系统上,你需要一个低级编译器。获取一个 C 编译器,现在您可以使用大量代码。拥有自举编译器使这更容易,您只需要存在自己的代码即可编译和改进自己的代码。

还有其他方法可以实现这一点,例如制作交叉编译器,在大多数系统上,您在日常使用中永远不需要能够在设备本身上编译静态语言(事实上,像 Windows 这样的系统没有编译器)。



于 2009-09-29T18:44:16.103 回答

您不会为 DSL 引导编译器。您无需在 SQL 中编写 SQL 查询编译器。MATLAB 可能看起来像一种通用语言,但实际上并非如此——它是一种专为数值计算而设计的语言。

于 2009-09-29T17:00:21.133 回答

Bootstrapping 还有另一个优点:如果你的语言很好,你可以通过用 <在此处插入语言> 编写编译器来节省时间,而不是用 C 编写。例如,C# 编译器是用 C++ 编写的,但现在他们正在用 C++ 重写它C#,它允许他们(除其他外)使用 CLR 中的线程框架,而不是在 C++ 中滚动他们自己的框架(并且在营销方面也跟随 Mono 家伙的领导,Mono 处于更好的位置,因为能够说我们的 C# 编译器实际上是用 C# 编写的)。

于 2009-09-29T18:52:53.463 回答

作为一个具体的例子,在1.5 版(2015 年 8 月发布)中,Go 切换为完全自举的语言[1] [2]。他们列出了以下原因:

  • Go 比 C 更容易(正确地)编写。
  • Go 比 C 更容易调试(即使没有调试器)。
  • Go 是你唯一需要知道的语言;鼓励贡献。
  • Go 具有更好的模块化、工具、测试、分析...
  • Go 使并行执行变得微不足道。


于 2016-09-04T22:48:31.573 回答


  1. 您的编译器生成的代码比引导平台上的其他编译器更优化。
  2. 您的编译器生成的代码比引导平台上的其他编译器更正确。
  3. 你是一个自负的混蛋,即使不是这样,也确信上述之一是正确的。
  4. 您的平台上没有可用的编译器(这是 GCC 的原始逻辑,因为当时许多平台没有 C 编译器)。
  5. 你想证明你的编译器可以处理它(毕竟,这实际上是一个很好的编译器测试)。
于 2009-11-06T03:21:25.473 回答

Bootstrapping 是通用编程语言所期望的。

于 2022-02-07T05:27:58.953 回答