如果您使用 .net 4 很容易(更新:如评论中所述,ExpressionVisitor
是在版本 4 而不是 4.5 中添加的)它需要对旧框架进行一些谷歌搜索:
有一些假设,但我认为它们对您的 DTO 和实体场景有效 - 访问的属性必须匹配。
class PersonData
public bool Prop { get; set; }
interface IPerson
bool Prop { get; set; }
在 .net 4 中ExpressionVisitor
class Visitor<T> : ExpressionVisitor
ParameterExpression _parameter;
//there must be only one instance of parameter expression for each parameter
//there is one so one passed here
public Visitor(ParameterExpression parameter)
_parameter = parameter;
//this method replaces original parameter with given in constructor
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
return _parameter;
//this one is required because PersonData does not implement IPerson and it finds
//property in PersonData with the same name as the one referenced in expression
//and declared on IPerson
protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
//only properties are allowed if you use fields then you need to extend
// this method to handle them
if (node.Member.MemberType != System.Reflection.MemberTypes.Property)
throw new NotImplementedException();
//name of a member referenced in original expression in your
//sample Id in mine Prop
var memberName = node.Member.Name;
//find property on type T (=PersonData) by name
var otherMember = typeof(T).GetProperty(memberName);
//visit left side of this expression p.Id this would be p
var inner = Visit(node.Expression);
return Expression.Property(inner, otherMember);
class Program
static void Main()
//sample expression
Expression<Func<IPerson, bool>> expression = x => x.Prop;
//parameter that will be used in generated expression
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(PersonData));
//visiting body of original expression that gives us body of the new expression
var body = new Visitor<PersonData>(param).Visit(expression.Body);
//generating lambda expression form body and parameter
//notice that this is what you need to invoke the Method_2
Expression<Func<PersonData, bool>> lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<PersonData, bool>>(body, param);
//compilation and execution of generated method just to prove that it works
var boolValue = lambda.Compile()(new PersonData());
请注意,这适用于简单的表达式。如果你需要处理,x.Prop.Prop1 < 3