现在已修复。它成功地创建了一个 UNDIRECTED 图的邻接列表。此外,它执行深度优先搜索并计算图中连接组件的总数,同时还保持计算最小组件中的顶点数。谢谢@nm
PS - 这个问题不需要几个阵列,但我还是把它们放了。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX 1000
int time=0;
int smallest_component = 100000;
int count=0;
//these are the value that will be used to mark vertices
white, gray, black
// A structure to represent an adjacency list node
typedef struct _Node
int dest;
int color;
struct _Node* next;
/* This is the structure of the adjacency list
* It simply has an array of Nodes
typedef struct _Adj
Node *list; // pointer to head node of list
int D[MAX];
int F[MAX];
int Color[MAX];
// Prototypes
void printGraph(Adj *list, int vertices);
void addEdge(Adj *list, int start, int end);
void DFS(Adj* list, int vertex);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *in = NULL;
int vertex1=0, vertex2=0;
int vertex_count=0;
Node *head = NULL;
int v=1;
int u=1;
int connected_components = 0;
//make sure enough arguments are supplied
printf("hw1 <vertices-file>\n");
return 1;
//open the file
in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
//check to see if the file was opened
if(in == NULL)
printf("The file could not be opened");
return 2;
//grab the first number. It is the number of vertices
fscanf(in, "%d", &vertex_count);
int vertices = vertex_count + 1;
//Create the struct pointer and call the function to create the Graph
Adj* list = (Adj*)malloc(sizeof(Adj)*vertices);
for(v=1; v<vertices; v++){
Color[v] = white;
//run through each pair of numbers
while(fscanf(in, "%d %d", &vertex1, &vertex2)!=EOF)
// create the first list
addEdge(list, vertex1, vertex2);
Node *temp;
//run through the graph's nodes
for (v = 1; v < vertices; v++)
count = 0;
if(Color[v] == white){
DFS(list, v);
printf("The number of connected components is %d\n", connected_components);
printf("The smallest component has %d vertices\n", smallest_component);
return 0;
//Run a DFS given the Adjacency list and vertex in the list
void DFS(Adj* list, int vertex)
//printf("\nI am in DFS with node %d \n", vertex);
Color[vertex] = gray;
time = time + 1;
D[vertex] = time;
Node *temp;
for(temp = list[vertex].list; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
if(Color[temp->dest] == white)
DFS(list, temp->dest);
//get the new time, color, and end time
time = time+1;
F[vertex] = time;
//this means that we backtracked and now the node is black
Color[vertex] = black;
* This function creates the edge between the two vertices.
* Since we have an UNDIRECTED graph, when I create the edges, I create them for both vertex and destination
void addEdge(Adj* list, int v, int dest)
//create the edge between vertex and destination
Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
temp->next = list[v].list;
temp->dest = dest;
list[v].list = temp;
//create the edge between dest and vertex
Node* temp2 = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
temp2->next = list[dest].list;
temp2->dest = v;
list[dest].list = temp2;