
./hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hadoop


13/02/17 09:45:50 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 0 time(s).
13/02/17 09:45:51 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 1 time(s).
13/02/17 09:45:52 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 2 time(s).
13/02/17 09:45:53 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 3 time(s).
13/02/17 09:45:54 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 4 time(s).
13/02/17 09:45:55 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 5 time(s).
13/02/17 09:45:56 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 6 time(s).
13/02/17 09:45:57 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 7 time(s).
13/02/17 09:45:58 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 8 time(s).
13/02/17 09:45:59 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: one/ Already tried 9 time(s).
Bad connection to FS. command aborted. exception: Call to one/ failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused 

在 /export/hadoop-1.0.1/conf/core-site.xml 文件中指定以下内容:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->






1 回答 1


好像 hadoop 守护进程没有运行。与 jps 核对

于 2013-02-18T11:51:15.970 回答