我有一个包含以下列的 MySQL 表:

City      Country  Continent
New York  States   Noth America
New York  Germany  Europe - considering there's one ;)
Paris     France   Europe

如果我想找到有错字的“New Yokr”,使用 MySQL 存储函数很容易:

$querylev = "select City, Country, Continent FROM table 
            WHERE LEVENSHTEIN(`City`,'New Yokr') < 3"


所以问题是,我可以搜索“New Yokr Statse”并得到相同的结果吗?

是否有任何功能可以合并 levenshtein 和 fulltext 以形成一个多合一的解决方案,或者我应该在 MySQL 中创建一个连接 3 列的新列?

我知道还有其他解决方案,例如 lucene 或 Sphinx(还有 soundex、metaphone,但对此无效),但我认为对我来说可能很难实现它们。


1 回答 1



根据我们可能想要的准确性和我们在数据库中拥有的数据,我们当然可以设计基于各种表达式的自定义查询,例如这个New York State具有各种类型的示例:







const regex = /([new]+\s+[york]+\s+[stae]+)/gmi;
const str = `Anything we wish to have before followed by a New York Statse then anything we wish to have after. Anything we wish to have before followed by a New  Yokr  State then anything we wish to have after. Anything we wish to have before followed by a New Yokr Stats then anything we wish to have after. Anything we wish to have before followed by a New York Statse then anything we wish to have after. `;
let m;

while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
    // This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
    if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
    // The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable.
    m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {
        console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`);


$re = '/([new]+\s+[york]+\s+[stae]+)/mi';
$str = 'Anything we wish to have before followed by a New York Statse then anything we wish to have after. Anything we wish to have before followed by a New  Yokr  State then anything we wish to have after. Anything we wish to have before followed by a New Yokr Stats then anything we wish to have after. Anything we wish to have before followed by a New York Statse then anything we wish to have after. ';

preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);

// Print the entire match result
于 2019-05-27T18:00:28.257 回答